Chapter 03 {Let the show begin}

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Mirabel's POV.

I promise Y/n to help her with Tio Bruno but how? I don't like to do the same thing I did last time about the vision "Ah, how about a very good vision from Tio Bruno" I said because that's the only thing that light on my head and I hope everything will go as my plan.

I did'nt even found Tio Bruno in his room so maybe he went out to help others to make up on the things he did last years ago, "Hey Isa, did you see Tio Bruno somewhere? I could'nt find him" "I found him not far from here helping Mariano's mother" Isabela said "Sure thank you so much, I owe you" I said leaving her confuse. I run and run till I got where he was "Tio Bruno!!" I shout "Mirabel, woah slow down. What is it?"

"I ned something from you, if it's ok?" I try my best "Sure, what is it?" "Are you busy this coming next month?" I asked "No, not really but maybe I would still help the whole town" he said "Well, can you help me prepare Y/n's brithday?" I asked trying my best not to say anything to him but slowly I will "Not a problem, who will help us also?" I did'nt think of that "Well, i'll try the asking the others im the only one who knows that girl very well. That's all thank you so much Tio!"

'Wait, that was not im thinking to say to him' I thought and that I realized I was again wrong but at least a very good help I guess.

Your POV.

"Tia Pepa, have you seen Antonio?" "Im also looking for him, want to come with me?" she asked "Yea sure, no problem with me" I said as I help her find Antonio which I don't know where he is 'All I know his just staying in his room, why isn't he there' I thought zooming out again I guess "Y/n, your going the wrong way" I heard Tia Pepa warned me "Opps, sorry about that my bad" I said awkwardly while Tia left me and made me look for him

I entered the nursery and found a pair of small hands under the bed "I think his here somewhere" I tease and surprise him which made him scared and laugh afterwards "What are you doing here?" I asked "Nothing, I want to see you" he said coming out under the bed "Why is it Antonito?" "I did realized, you never celebrate your birthday" he said while the smile from earlier was washed out my face "My birthday?" I asked a little bit disappointed

"Yea, when is it?" he asked looking me, pleading so much "I never talk about it before except to Mirabel" I told him hoping he would stop "You can tell me" 'But I can't Antonio' I thought "Well, I don't know. It's like no one cares" "I do" he insist "It's next month (mm/dd/yy)" I said "Thank you Y/n, i'll get going now" he said as he left the room "I don't have much a choice don't I?" I asked myself

"I wonder where's Mirabel?" I asked again, just then the door went busting open making me jump up the bed "Y/n! I did a perfect plan!!" Mirabel went shouting from the door "I now have a perfect plan Y/n, and it's gonna work" she told me while closing the door "Before you say anything, Antonio know about my birthday" I told her while wiping my ass which the floor "Huh, how?" "He asked me, I can't resist those puppy eyes" I said

"Well, it's a bad idea to tell him though because it's either he will keep it or tell Tia Pepa" Mirabel explained "Really?? I did'nt know, I should have" I told her not looking well "Well, how about stand up so i'll start making a new clothes for you" she said, ever since I got here Mirabel use her talent on me, I was her model "Yea sure" I said standing up and she start measuring my body "You really have a big breast but not that big just a normal for a 21 years old" she said while I turn red to what she said

"There all done, now I just need to draw the dress" she said "Wait, dress?" I asked "Yea, just for you to wear in a special occasion" she said smiling brightly "Really? Is this another birthday gift, you always do this after you knew about my birthday" I told her as I lay down on the bed "Yes, it will be but I promise it will be great" she said sounding like promising 'I don't have much a choice huh?'

"Stop saying things in your head and start saying those to me" she warned me as many times as I can remember "I'll try Mira" I said using the nickname I gave here "Ok, wait here or just talk to the others so you won't get bored, bye" and that she left.

Camilo's POV

"Camilo!" I heard that familiar voice "Antonio!" I said back hugging my little brother "What's got into you huh? Running so fast" I asked "I knew something" he said running out of air "It's Y/n's birthday next month it's (mm/dd/yy)" he said, 'So he run to me just to say this' I thought "We have to tell the others so we surprise her, we never knew it was though" I said

"But Camilo, when she told me this she sound not happy" he said as the smile on his face fade "Then, that's what we need to do just to make her happy" I said to cheer my brother as his smile came back again. "Are you happy now Camilo?" Antonio asked "A little" I lied "No your totally happy" 'I know that Antonio' I thought "C'mon lets hurry up"

Mirabel's POV

"You think this will work Tio?" I asked Tio Bruno even tho his not into this things "It looks great, but how about at her" he said totally doubting "She will like this and also will be great on her" I said "Sure, go for it kid. As long as she will be beautiful on that" "She will Tio" I said grinning which no one wants to see on my face.

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