Chapter 04 {Special day?}

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Your POV

After all this things that happend as I can always see the Madrigals are quite busy now, Tia Julita never did want me to help her anymore in the kitchen, the cousins did'nt want to talk to me anymore I guess, Tia Pepa and Tio Bruno is always busy also along with Tio Filix and Austin, "What happend? There's no festival or occasion at this month or next" I mumble  "Keeping things your way again?"

I turn around to see Mirabel "I thought you said your busy?" I asked "I am but I heard Tio Bruno is'nt so how about talk to him" Mirabel said "I think it's a bad idea" "Just go, you know im busy also in making your dress" then again she left me, I have no other choice but to talk to Tio Bruno. I made my way towards his room, the arrangement of the rooms are still the same but have a big  difference if you enter them.

I knock on the door even tho no ones gona hear me "Yes dear?" I was indeed surprise he heard it not even Dolores can hear a knock on her door "Hi Tio, Mirabel said your not busy so I came here to chat with you, I get bored easily" I said slowly turning red "Yea im not so come in" he said opening the door wide for me to enter. I walk in and the same room like the day I brought the boxes of course "What were you doing here?" "Nothing, just checking my room if it's fine tho"

'I think I remember something' I thought "Tio Bruno" "Yes kid?" "Do you still do a vision?" I asked "Yup but now I don't think so" he said "Can you take a quick peak on mine, I want to know" I said while Tio Bruno looks like his about to run out the room "You will never like what will you see kid" he said trying to calm down "Please, i'll accept anything I see on that vision"
He can't resist I really need to know whatever it takes.

"Follow me" Tio said leading me to the staircase "Don't worry this isn't like Mirabel's, lets just hope" he said as he held my hand, 'This hands, are rather soft nor rough. But it's a little bigger that mine' I thought then I suddenly   stumble "Be careful, what happend?" Tio asked "Sorry I got carried away" I said smiling at him "Oh well, here we are" as he let my hand go, it dosen't have any door just a big entrance and still sands in the middle.

"I have to be honest Tio, your room looks like a pyramid tho" I told the truth "Well, I need this regarding my gift" he said as he place some dried leaves and lit them "Come here" he said referring to sit in front of him "Just hold on tight" he said again while making me take his hands. I held it as his gift start to work, the sand the surround as came flying like a wall and Tio Bruno's eyes turn green, then the vision start to appear.

It was a girl facing it's back to us wearing a long dress, then a person's hand handing someone a rose I guess it's still the girl, and the last was she's crying? "Well, did you understand the vision well?" Tio asked "No, I did'nt but who is this girl? I can't see it's face" I asked "Might not know it's you" he said taking me out the room and lead to another "This is my bedroom, never seen it before have you?" I nod a 'No' I never did

'How will I talk to him' I thought, I tried looking at the mirror from time to time but all I see is a hint of pink on my face "So Mirabel and the rest are busy huh?" Tio asked "Yes, I hope they aren't, I feel bored" I said looking down not wanting him to see my face "Can you at least tell me what's wrong?" Tio tried to asked me "I don't know Tio, I kind of a only open to Mirabel" I said "Then try opening to me either"

"But how?" "Try telling me somethings that seems making you most down" he said "I-i-i... Al-always zoom out and overthink things so much" I tried to calm down but it seems that im shaking "Hey hey, look stop shaking ok. So that's why you stumble lately" he said as he understands the things slowly "But why?" "Because if my family treated me right I wouldn't have overthink things" I tried to open "If they accept me, my grades, my doing then I would never be like this" I continue and tried to held my tears back but I can't.

Soon I felt Tio hugged me, the warmth from his body and the scent his always wearing everytime I came to pass by him "It's gonna be alright Y/n, just calm down" he said stroking my back, I don't know what to say but at least his comforting me the way I always wanted my parents to do, but instead he did it, my only thing I want is to comfort me in times like this.

We'd stay like that for at least 2 minutes then he let go, we have some fun chatting about him while he was just inside the walls, complimenting me about how I sing which made butterflies in my stomach, and I did also open up to him but not all details like Mirabel knows "Look at the time, it's dinner time already. C'mon lets go down, im sure everyone will look for us" he said as he drag me with him to the dinning area.

"Just in time Brunito" Abuela said to Tio Bruno as she kiss his cheek "Y/n, sit down now" Abuela told me, 'Just like old times with my family' I thought.

Mirabel's POV

We we're ready to eat and just in time Tio Bruno along with Y/n just came in "Just in time Brunito" Abuela said to Tio "Y/n, sit down now" Abuela added but to Y/n; while we hand ourselves some food, I notice Y/n zooming out again 'Don't tell me she's overthinking again or zooming out' I thought "Y/n, it's your turn" I heard mom "Oh, sorry Tia but thank you" she replied snapping from her trance 'Oh Y/n, how can I help you? Did making you talk to Tio Bruno plan fail? Or should I turn to plan B?' I thought.

'But do I have a plan B?' I thought again while adding a little more food on my plate 'One more thing, we may talk to each other but no one decide to talk to Y/n, that's why they don't know her well' I thought one more time, I can't bring the words out but only in my mind, so I have to try "So Y/n, how's your day?" I tried as she look up from her food looking at everybody like she don't know them

"Im good, fine, great" she answered with a nervous voice "It's good to be ok" I replied back but when I realized everyone turn silent when I start to have a little conversation with her 'Maybe this was a bad idea?' I thought 

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