Chapter 22

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Hey, curlies!

Nae told me that you enjoyed the last chapter and that she kinda enjoyed writing it. Sorry that I couldn't finish it, I was sick. I told Nae what I wanted to happen and, as usual, she did it almost perfectly.

Okay only like one person asked a question for the character asks. When, and if, I do another one, I am hoping that there are more questions that can be answered.

Also I spent all day writing this chapter so I hope it is really good. I know that it is going to be quite long compared to all the other chapters but there is a heap of important stuff in this chapter (along with this massive authors note)!

I honestly hope that you don't hate me for this chapter. If you don't understand what I mean by that, you will understand by the end of this chapter (and the next chapter). :(

I know the girls (Marcie, Desire and Nynke) haven't been in the story much but that is going to change in this very chapter. Also going to be some Lashton drama in here. :)

I'm going to dedicate a chapter to the first person who comments on the chapter before the chapter that is dedicated to them. If that makes any sense... LOL

@Bubblesrocks I tried to do the jealous thing that you suggested for Lashton and a girl. It kinda failed so there is going to be more on it. I thinking like a date and she walks in all mad and shit.

Comment what everybody thinks about that!

2.6K reads.

~Cat ;)



Zayn has been trying to get me to talk to him for the past week and I, honestly, want to. Larry told me not to talk to Zayn until he apologizes or tells me that he has no more feelings for Josh; like the latter is ever going to come fucking true. I'm never gonna get him.

I know why Zayn isn't ever gonna get rid of his feelings for Josh because Larry and Liam have told me about him, and I've seen the photos of him and Zayn. They look so happy and they have the aura around them that they are deeply in love and nothing can change that fact.

Even though I promised, I know what I have to do...



I wish Niall had talked to me while he had the chance, because he may not have the chance again. After what he told me earlier, even though I'm certain he was lying, I'm pretty sure I know what he is going to do. Even though I never told him; if he goes, I go with him.

I heard Louis, Harry and Liam telling Niall about Josh, and showing him pictures of Josh and me that I should have burnt by now. Those pictures make me sick because of how happy and how in love we were back then. It felt like nothing could change those facts back then.

Even though I promised, I know what I have to do...



Ash is sitting on the couch across from me and looking down at his phone, sneaking glances at me. I pretend not to notice and see the emotion he is sending to me through his occasional glances. The emotion makes my gut tighten and shivers to crawl up my arms.

Nynke is sitting on the third couch and is glaring, noticeably, at Ash every time he sends me a glance. She looks over at me and smiles slightly when she sees that I 'don't notice' the glances. She shifts closer to where I am sitting and I look up at her, narrowing my eyes.

My Sister's Boyfriend ◾ Ziall [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now