Chapter 12

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• LOUIS • 

 It seems like Niall really enjoyed what we did, it also seems like he has never done that before. Who knows, maybe he hasn't and that was his first time. It wouldn't surprise me if that was only the first time because he looks so innocent.

 Right now we are sitting in Zayn's kitchen eating the left over Nandos that Niall and I bought this morning, for breakfast no less. Harry is stuffing his face and Niall is picking at his food, it's like he isn't hungry at all.

 "You alright, Nialler?" I ask.

 "Hmm?" Niall asks, distracted.

 "Are you alright?"

 "Yeah. Why do you ask?"

 "You're not eating."

 "Oh. That." he mumbles, looking away.



 "You keep spacing out. Are you sure you're alright?"

 "I don't know, Lou. I feel weird."

 Harry looks at me. "What's the matter?"

 "Niall isn't eating," I explain.

 "Why not?"

 "He said that he feels weird."

 "Could it have been...?"

 I shake my head. "No."

 "Okay. Niall?"

 "Yeah, Haz?" Niall asks.

 "What's bothering you?"

 He shrugs. "Nothing."

 "You're worried about something."

 "Am I?"

 "How can you tell?" I ask.

 "The look on his face," Harry says. "What's worrying you, babe?"

 "I don't know," Niall says.

 Zayn wanders into the kitchen and Niall tenses. Harry and I watch Zayn sit next to Niall and start eating Niall's food. Niall just gets up and walks away, not even going to try get his food back. Zayn looks at us with a questioning look and we shrug.

 "He's been like this for a few days," Zayn says.

 "Since that day he went to check on you," Harry adds.

 "Huh? When did he do that?"

 "Two days ago. I think."

 "Don't remember that."

 "Were you drunk, Malik?" I growl. "Fuck it!"

 "I probably was," Zayn mutters. "You two kind of set me off."

 "How did we do that exactly?"

 "I know I heard moaning coming from Niall's room."

 "Oops?" Harry mumbles. "Too loud were we?"

 "You were," I retort. "Anyway..."

 "I hear Harry's moan and yours," Zayn muses. "Then it must have been Niall."

 "It was."

 "I don't know why I took it so...hard."

 "You like him, Zee. It's understandable for you to react that way."

 "It's just so hard to see him like this."

 "Like what?" Niall asks. "Weak? Unstable? Stupid?"

 "Niall!" Harry exclaims.

 "I am though. Aren't I?"


 "I'm weak, unstable, stupid, confused and it seems like I am unwanted too."

 "You're not!"

 "Yes I am, Harry! Why can't you all see that?!"

 "Because we love you!" I yell.

 "Y-You love me?" Niall whispers.

 "Yes, Nialler. We do."

 "Nobody has ever said that to me before."

 "Oh, Niall."

 I run over to him and pull him into a hug. He buries his face in my shirt and Harry walks over to us, tears building in his eyes. He pulls us into a hug and starts sobbing quietly. I see Liam step into the kitchen, his face pale, and walk over to Zayn, pulling him into a hug.

 Zayn pulls away and watches Harry, Niall and me with a sad expression. He slowly walks over to us and pulls the three of us into a hug. Niall shifts slightly and I look at him to see him moving closer to me, and further from Zayn.

 "Forgive me," Zayn whispers.

 Niall shakes his head. "Maybe in time."

 "That's all I ask."


 Zayn smiles.

 "You better clean your room first though," he teases.

 "Clean yours."

 "We did," Harry, Niall and I say. "This morning."

 "Before you had your shower?"

 Liam pales. "You all had a shower together?!"

 "Zayn!" we whine.

 "Sorry!" Zayn exclaims. "I didn't know that he didn't know!"

 We groan and pull away from the group hug. Liam crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at Harry, Niall and me. Harry gulps and shares a look with Niall, while I meet Liam's gaze full on with no fear of what he is going to say.

 "What was going through your heads?!" Liam exclaims. "Having a shower together! I have never thought that you and Harry would do that with Niall, Louis! I thought you two had a better sense of what is right and what is wrong!"

 "Are you done?" Niall sighs.

 "And you! I thought you were straight! This just turned everything around! It's not that I hate gay's and bi's but seriously, Niall!"

 "What? You're mad because you don't have a straight guy friend? Get a grip, Liam! Not everyone has to be like you!"

 "Wow, Niall. Are you always this annoying?"

 "Are you always the fucking judgmental?!"



 Niall storms out of the room, out of the house actually, and vanishes down the street, I glare at a shell-shocked Liam before running after him. Harry quickly follows him and we split up; him taking the shopping area and me taking the parks and fields.

 After an hour of searching Harry and I meet up in the main park with no luck. We wander back to Zayn's and report the bad news. Liam just sighs and walks out, while Zayn almost has a mental breakdown. Oops?

My Sister's Boyfriend ◾ Ziall [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now