Chapter 7

221 11 5

Dedication to Bubblesrocks for asking me to update twice. I'm glad that someone likes my story! WHOO!

~Cat ;)



Of course Harry would have followed us up here, not that I expected him to actually follow us. Louis nudges me and I look over at his terrified expression. I put my arm around Louis' shoulders and he flinches slightly.

"What do you know?" Harry asks me.

"Um..." I mumble.


"Louis, can, um, go?"

Louis nods and Harry watches him carefully as he leaves. The door closes behind Louis and Harry's gaze snaps back to me and my smirk. He flushes and clears his throat before sitting on the edge of my bed.

"What was that about?" I ask, nudging his arm.

"Nothing," Harry mumbles.


"It was nothing."

"Harry, tell me."

"You already know."

"You little sneak."


"I thought you liked someone else."

"Like who?"

"I'm just teasing, Harry. I know you like him."

"I know who you like, too."

"No you don't."

"You like Zayn."

I scoff. "Nope. I like someone else."

Harry blinks in surprise. "Well then."


"Lou and I had a bet."

"What kind of bet?"

"On who you like."

"That I do or don't like Zayn?"


"Who bet on which?"

"I bet that you liked him."

"You better pay up then," I chuckle.

Harry wacks me over the back of my head. "Idiot."

"How much was it?"

"500 pounds," Harry breathes.

"Jesus, Harry!" I exclaim.

"I know."

"Louis Tomlinson!"

My door opens and Louis pokes his head in. He looks between Harry and me, noticing my annoyed expression and Harry's embarrassed expression. He mutters under his breath and walks in, closing the door behind him. He sits on my bed and watches me carefully.

"What is with this bet?" I ask.

"It was just for fun," Harry mutters.

"Also because we wanted to know the truth," Louis adds. "Sorry."

"It's fine, Lou," I sigh.

"It doesn't sound like it."


My Sister's Boyfriend ◾ Ziall [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now