30 - The Price

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Naruto, for the first time since entering the office, looked up at Shibuki. His eyes were almost completely white with only a tiny black dot in each eye. "You...you what?" He softly said, his voice sounded like it would break at any moment. Shibuki smiled.

"It pained me to do it, you know, killing her. I genuinely didn't want to do it, but you left me no choice. I knew that I could not force you to come with my own strength, so I had to break you mentally. And this was the best way I could absolutely demolish you." Shibuki said happily as if he had just won a game.

Fuu was crying again at this point, and Naruto didn't move a muscle. The room was once again quiet. Suddenly all Fuu could hear, was Chomei yelling at her. "Fuu, you need to get out of here as fast as you can! Kurama says that Naruto isn't mentally stable right now, you might get caught in his rage! You need to leave, NOW!"

Fuu looked towards Naruto, and saw that he was now slightly shaking, his eyes now fully white, and his breathing becoming ragged. She took that as a sign to listen to her biju, and busted through the walls and out of the side of the building as fast as she could. She sprouted wings and started flying towards Taki.

"You killed her." Naruto said at a low volume. "You took away the only thing keeping me grounded to reality. Why?" He sounded like he was about to start crying.

"KILL THEM!" He heard in his head, but it didn't sound like Kurama, this was something else. He grabbed his head in pain.  "If you can't, then I will."

'Make it painful.' Naruto mentally said while smiling on the outside.

A dark aura surrounded Naruto menacingly. It was different from the kyubi, this was almost pure black instead of Kurama's normal red. He stood up slowly as the aura danced around his body. They could feel the KI he was giving off, it no longer felt like normal KI, this was bloodlust, and it spread everywhere fast. Like an ocean wave, bloodlust leaked from Naruto and quickly engulfed Iwa in a second, breaking all the windows in the city.


Tsunade was sitting in her office like every other day. She signed a mission report when the room slowly started turning red. She was confused and looked out the window, and saw a red, wave-like attack of some sort. The wave hit the building she was in and immediately, she felt weak, she couldn't move her legs, and she started shaking in fear.

It felt like KI of some sort, but more aggressive somehow, she didn't know how to explain it.

-back in Iwa-

Fuu was flying out of Iwa fast, and was high above Iwa at this point, until she heard something behind her. She looked, and saw that a shockwave of red aura blasted out of the room she was just in. When the shockwave reached her, her wings stopped flapping. She felt heavier than before, and started falling faster than the normal falling speed, or that's what it felt like at least.

She saw the ground approaching fast. 'N-naruto, stop this, I know you're mad, but please...please, just...stop.' She weakly thought, since she couldn't speak under the weight of this aura.

She hit the ground with a loud crash, creating a crater under her. Her body ached as she felt weighted to the ground. Her arm was hurting badly, so she looked at it to see the problem, and saw that her elbow and forearm were bent the wrong way. Tears escaped as she silently lay there, waiting for hopefully all of this to end.

-in Onoki's office-

Onoki looked on in terror, all he saw was red. Not only because of the aura Naruto was giving off, but also the blood all over the walls and floor. Naruto stood in the center of the room with his head down and arms dangling in front of his body, them basically drenched in blood that wasn't his own.

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