36 - True Monster

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"Fufufufufu." A laugh could be heard from inside a cave somewhere in the Land of Fire. The source was from a man in a dark red cloak covering his entire body. He looked at the woman laying beside him, she had purple hair, and a revealing jacket, showing her mesh-covered body. This was Mitarashi Anko, a kunoichi from Konoha.

"It shouldn't take much longer now, at the rate things are going, anyway. This is going surprisingly smoo-" *BOOOM!* A loud explosion behind him stopped him mid-sentence.

The man looked back at the barrier he put up, now with a large hole in it. He heard steps coming from the hole, and soon, a figure could be seen stumbling his way towards him. "Who the hell are you?" The man asked the stranger.

The stranger refused to answer and continued to make his way to the cloaked man. The smoke cleared, and a man with short and messy blonde hair, with bangs covering his eyes could be seen. Dried blood covered his arms and body.

'Wait, he seems familiar. I think I remember master talking about a blonde being the reason I had to reanimate him in the first place. Is this him? And what's with the blood?' The cloaked man thought as the blonde man stopped walking towards him.

"Are you Kabuto?" He asked in a voice that almost sounded unhinged. "I am, but who are you? Naruto perhaps?" Kabuto said. Naruto smiled and Kabuto could hear his breathing getting sporadic.

"Good. I want to end this war, and you're at the source of it all." Naruto said, ignoring his question and started walking towards him again, with ill intentions going through his head.

"Interesting, but sadly you're misinformed. Killing me won't undo the reanimation jutsu. It can only deactivate on my own command." Kabuto said.

"Is that so? Then tell me, can you heal?" Naruto asked. Kabuto got confused. "What? What kind of question is that? I'm a trained doctor, of course I can heal myself, but you're not going to do anything to make me come to that." Kabuto removed his cloak and Naruto could see that he was in some kind of sage mode based on the chakra he could feel emitting from him.

Kabuto went for an attack but in a flash, he was sent to the side of the cave, cratering the side. He tried to yell, but a hand was covering his mouth. "Really? That's good to hear, so it doesn't matter what I do to you, right? Perfect." Naruto said sadistically.

-15 minutes later, with Sasuke-

"It's over Sasuke! You can't win against me!" The masked Madara yelled at a tired Sasuke. In front of him, we're the reanimations of the two-tailed jinchuriki all the way up to the six-tails. All of them having sharingan eyes instead of their normal ones.

Sasuke tried to calm down, but deep down he knew it was true, his ems countered some of their techniques, but the numbers overwhelmed him quickly.

Suddenly, all of the reanimations stopped what they were doing, looked up, and dissipated, leaving a dead body where they once stood.

"W-what?" Madara said in shock, with Sasuke just as confused as him. "Kabuto, what the fuck are you doing?" He asked himself.

-back in the cave, same time-

"Is that it? Are they dispelled?" A cold voice echoed through the cave. Naruto looked down at the defeated man below him. Kabuto didn't answer, instead Naruto got feedback from a few of his clones he sent out just in case, showing that he obeyed.

"Good boy, now time for your reward." Naruto said with a sadistic smile spreading across his face. Kabuto looked on in fear with one eye, the other being gouged out, leaving an empty socket. He tried to scream, but with his throat crushed, making it difficult to even breathe, he couldn't. The snake that protruded from his stomach was nowhere to be seen within the cave. The only things that seemed to be untouched, were his arms and hands, only so that he could reverse the jutsu.

"Don't worry, you're gonna get something to eat now." Naruto said. Faster than Kabuto could react, an arm went through his chest, carrying his heart with it. He drug it back out, still carrying the heart, and with his free hand, he grabbed Kabuto's lower jaw, crushing it and exposing the inside of his mouth. Naruto smiled a wide toothy grin, and Kabuto gave up, accepting his fate.

A few minutes later, Anko woke up in a daze, she examined herself for injuries and found she was covered in blood. Though it didn't take long for her to realize that it wasn't her blood that she was covered in. She looked around the cave for her captor, only to find him drowning in a pool of his own blood.

She got up and looked at the broken man closer. She's seen a lot of dead bodies, but this was gruesome, even by her standards. She held her mouth with her hand to hold back throwing up. She saw enough, and left the cave in a rush, the smell was starting to get unbearable.

-with Sasuke and his team-

"Tch! It doesn't matter, I'll still destroy all of you anyway." Madara said as he readied a large scythe by his side, both his eyes glowing red through his white mask. Sasuke, along with Kakashi, and Gai-sensei, gained a new bout of confidence, and also got ready to attack.

"Stay alert. He still has his phasing ability, and even though he doesn't have his fan right now, he can't be underestimated." Kakashi told everyone. "I know, but I still want to find out what's under his mask." Sasuke said. "We'll find out in due time. First, we focus on countering his phasing." Kakashi said, coating his kunai in lightning.

Gai went in for an attack, wielding nunchucks with impressive skill. Kakashi and Sasuke saw this as an opening so Kakashi threw his lightning-coated kunai forward. Wanting to test something, he absorbed it into his kamui dimension, and when Gai went for a kick to Madara's head, his foot phased through. They gained some distance from each other, and after a few seconds, a scratch mark appeared on Madara's mask.

"I knew it! His phasing ability is connected to my own kamui...wait...there connected. We're...connected." Kakashi said to Sasuke, and then himself. "Focus sensei, if you're connected, then deal with it later, for now, we need that ability to win!" Sasuke said.

Kakashi took a few breaths to calm down. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, let's do this."

"That's what I like to hear from my eternal rival!" Gai yelled as he stood next to his friend.

"How much time do we need in order for the summoning?" Kakashi asked Sasuke. "Not much longer, and I'm sure by then, that mask will be off." Sasuke responded.

-10 minutes later-

"You all put up a good fight. It's actually been pretty fun, but it's foolish of you to think you can beat me." Madara said as he looked down at the bodies under him. "Now...to end this." He lifted his scythe, ready to strike down on Sasuke.

Before he could however, he felt a gust of wind coming from behind him. He turned around to find no one there. He turned back and saw the three he had beaten were now much further away from him initially. Along with them, a new face was with them, tending to their wounds.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I had some business to take care of." The new figure said to the downed body of Sasuke. Sasuke opened his eyes and saw the face of a ghost, a blonde haired, blue-eyed face with whiskers on it. "N-naruto?" Sasuke said in disbelief.

Naruto stood up, his black haori with red flames on the bottom flowing through the wind. Naruto turned to Madara with an empty expression on his face. "Uzumaki Naruto. I didn't think you'd show up this early." He said.

Naruto stayed silent as the three behind him started to get back up. "Naruto, be careful attacking him. He can phase through yo-" "I'm aware." Naruto cut into Sasuke's warning.

"And I don't care."

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