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Note: they're like seven so ya

"Hey Simon!" Nicole shouts lifting up her window pane to her next door neighbor. At first glance at them you could say they could be siblings or even twins. Both had a honey tint to their blonde hair and dark navy eyes that shone like small dazzling stars. Both were rather tall for their age and gender and either a kind, good-will heart, but they were not siblings or twins, their were simply best friends and neighbors.

"Whatttttt?" The dark blue-eyed boy draws out lifting his up too.
"You want to play?!" She asks happily flashing a toothy smile cocking her head to the side.
"Sureee," he responds trying to sound not interested, but playing with Nicole was a highlight of his day. She lets out a small noise of excitement and they both close their windows to meet each other in their lawns.

After grabbing her jump rope she heads outside finding Simon with his basketball. Simon's family owned a basketball goal. "So what do you want to play with?" He asks as she sets her toy on the ground next to his.

"I don't know," she shrugs, "you choose. I always choose."
"Ladies first." He cheekily smiles making her fairly groan looking down at the toys in front of both of them. She lets out a small "hmm" tapping her chin thinking hardly even though she had a plan already in her mind. In one swift motion she picked up the basketball and ran to his basket dribbling the ball on the sidewalk.

"Aye!" Simon shouts chasing after her both of them laughing madly. She jumps and throws the ball, it falling in the hoop.
"Yes! One point for Nikki, zero for Si," she pretends to shout, using their nicknames for each other, as if she were speaking to a crowd both of them smiling.

After playing ball they decided to take a break and layers in the grass of Simon's yard next to each other gazing up at the white puffy clouds which slowly started to turn a darker gray. "Look," Simon points out a large puff of whiteness in the sky Nicole's blue eyes following. "It's a car." He explains smiling from ear to ear. She lets out a small giggle and looks for a cloud to show him.

"There's a snowman!" She points making Simon's eyes follow. Soon their cloud watching came to an end when Simon pointed to a heart-shaped cloud. Nicole sighs loudly making Simon ponder why.
"I can't wait till I'm old enough to get a boyfriend." She explains making Simon feel uncomfortable for he had a small crush on the girl beside him.

"W- why can't you now?" He asks her sitting up looking at her dark eyes still staring at the now cinder colored clouds.
"Mom says I shouldn't get married till I'm at least twenty. That means I can't get a boyfriend till then."
"No that's all blibber blabor," he explains to her making her sit up in front of him arching an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" She quizzes since he just said her mother was wrong.

"I mean you shouldn't get married until you're older but that doesn't mean you can't have a boyfriend. Dating is different than marrying."
"But-" her train of thought ends as she tries to prove him wrong but hopelessly fails. "So I could date someone without breaking my mom's directions?" She questions which she nods too. "Oh my gosh!" She shouts excitedly. "I really want to ask someone out now." She grins widely making Simon do the same.

Nicole and Simon were best friends for as long as hey have lived in their houses which has been awhile and have been inseparable. No, seriously one time Nicole's parents wanted to move but she wouldn't let them. They understood each other as if they were themselves only better and they loved each other as if family and they had nicknames for each other, Nikki and Si, which they wouldn't let anyone else call them. But Nicole didn't know that Simon's love for her was different so was confused at first when he talked again saying, "I'll make it easy for you." He whispers before locking his lips onto hers sealing her first kiss which was a treasure she wanted to keep for awhile.

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