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She walked over to her house after the rain weakened, but soon enough it started pouring down again.

My parents were probably at work and they don't get home til six so I grab a snack that was a Babybel and crackers. (the cracker challenge 😂) I didn't see them much during the day, but it was okay because that's when I recorded most of my videos.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and it's Josh, Ethan, and Vik in a group chat wanting to record. I rush up to my room and sip my hands off on the pants and put my headset on answering the call. "You guys up for some GTA?" Josh asks all of us saying yes. GTA is one of my favorite games, besides Fifa, and I loved playing it especially with my mates.
We pull the game up and all that good stuff and I do the intro as usual.

In the the end Josh won and we all end the recording staying on the line. All of us do the homework helping each other... well mostly Vik helping us. He's an honor roll student and we aren't pretty blunt, but honest.

"Hey Josh." I speak remembering my chat with Nikki earlier.
"Yeah, mate?" He asks looking up from his paper.
"Nikki asked about my outburst in the car and I had to improvise and I told her you asked if you should ask her out." I hear Vik choke on his coke (RHYMES) and he starts coughing violently.

"What?!" Josh practically screams. "Wh- why did you choose that outlet?! It could've been like throwing a party or something but nope. You just bring me deeper into this."
"I'm sorry Josh. Besides, you know I'm horrible at improvising. Remember when I tried to think of an excuse of why I missed my homework?" The memory hits me hard of Mrs. Winston giving me her signature death stare as I tried to think of a good alibi of why I didn't have my homework. I said my dog ate it and everyone knows I'm deathly allergic to dogs. (I'm pretty sure he isn't)

"Oh my God that was fucking hilarious." Ethan laughs out loud making me roll my eyes smiling.
"I'll let it slide because of that. But what do I say to her? We have to pick her up tomorrow and it'll be so awkward!" He asks and I shrug.

"Ask JJ to pick you up." Vik suggests making Josh's face light up and he nods.
"Ya I heard eh got a new Lambo." Ethan explains.
"Wow... those things are nice." I say in awe Josh and Vik nodding.
"Okay. I'll be right back." Josh puts his end of the call of mute and gets his phone out.

"So, Simon. Can you pick me up?" Ethan asks raising an eyebrow.
"Why?!" I ask since he has never asked me before.
"I want to meet this girl. I mean I guess we are exes now." He sarcastically huffs making Vik cover his eyes laughing.

"The Emon is so real right now." He says in between laughs.

That night

I sat in my car since I couldn't fall asleep. It's been happening for a month now, me not being able to catch a wink of sleep, but I just go for a drive. Some nights, like last night, I'm lucky to get three hours of sleep. Some nights I'll just stay up recording but unfortunately I have no one else to record with because it's usually three am.

The sun roof was open and I leaned back looking at the stars above twinkling in the dark sky. They were beautiful. Even though hers was much more stunning. She hasn't left my mind for awhile and it's worrying me. What if I cant focus on YouTube? Or even school!

My thoughts get lost in the thought of her and soon enough I drift to sleep.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I've basically written bits and pieces of this instead of all at once and that was honestly my downfall

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