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Nicole's POV

"I hate boys," I sigh sitting next to Duncan who was watching Bob's Burgers.
"I told you to stay away from them," he grumbles. "They're all bad news. Testosterone levels, these days, are way too high. Too horny. Nicole, never have sex. You'll get pregnant and die," he states making me laugh. Yeah, my older brother was intimidating, but he knew what to say.

"I mean, Simon isn't that bad of a guy it's just-"
"Why are you talking to me about girl talk?" he interrupts. "That's a you-and-mum thing. I care about your love life, sis, but not enough to lounge around and hear you talk about your guy problems. I gave you my advice and now I'm drained," he says getting up off the couch and leaving the living room. Dumb brother.

Mom wasn't going to come home for awhile since she had work, so I had an open schedule. I looked out the window seeing white fluffy clouds popping in front of a bright blue sky. The temperature was hot, but a constant breeze passed by so it made it cooler. My favorite weather.

I walk outside and sit on the top step, eventually moving to the lawn so I could directly look up at the clouds laying down on the grass feeling the blades poke into my skin, but also the softness of the dirt underneath. The breeze brought in new clouds as fast as the old ones left so it was a continuous cycle of clouds that I could think about. My thoughts linger as I take deep breathes just relaxing.

I wander as lonely as a cloud.

I was so deep in thought I didn't hear the sound of a door opening. I didn't hear the soft footsteps crunching the grass underneath as they walked closer. I didn't hear then lay down. But I heard their voice softly greet, "hey."

I take a deep breathe and I look over and I'm met with stormy, navy eyes very close to mine. Simon's eyes are filled with so many emotions flickering through them all like a continuous slide show. My jaw remains tight before I turn back and look back up to the sky. "Nikki, we need to talk," Simon explains taking my hand in his. I try to move it, but his grip is steel with mine.

"There's nothing to talk about Si. We've grown so apart since..."
"Since what? The start of highschool? (I'm pretty sure it's called secondary school but just roll with me)

"No, Simon," I pause trying to weave my emotions into some type of statement. He deserves to know. "Do you remember when we were seven? We were laying in the grass, like this, and looking up at the clouds like we were. The good ol' days when nothing mattered besides what type of ice cream we wanted. We were talking about romance and how I thought I couldn't love anyone til I'm twenty." I let out a small laugh at the last part before continuing. "You said that it was all shit and went on about you just shouldn't get married til you're twenty. Then I said I wanted to ask someone out." I pause taking in a sharp pause and I look over to Simon who looks concentrated, but confused at the same time.

"What happened next?" Simon questions urging me on.
"We kissed, Si. You were my first kiss."
"Oh." Simon says before looking up at the clouds, emotionless while so many words buzzed through my head. "Did you not like the kids?" he asks after a minute or two of silence.

"That's the thing, I'm not sure." I knew for sure. At the time no, I was too angry to realize what it felt like. I didn't want my first kiss to be made without any thought. I wanted it to be memorable, but later on, I realized it kind of was. Then we started growing apart and I realized how much he meant to me. We promised to be friends forever, but one action broke that. I've been without my best friend for ten years and then I asked if he could drive me to school.

He friends were so nice to me, and he still had that smirk I've come to know. Every time I look at him, all I can see is him like as we were younger. His skin was tanner, his arm had more chub to them, his face was shorter and he had chubbier cheeks that my grandma would pinch when she came over and I would laugh at his embarrassment. Every time I looked at him, the images just bombarded my mind. All of the sudden, Annabelle got into the picture. She was all over Si, and when I heard her call him that one day in the halls, everything just shattered. I tried to cover up my feelings for another petty crush even though he's super gay for that one blonde guy.

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