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"Is he okay?" I hear an urging voice ask. I recognized the voice as my mother and my eyes shot open. Immediately I regretted it since I had a pounding headache. The room I was in was the nurse's office which I have grown to know since I had an addiction to dodgeball when I was young, and then I was less coordinated than Dick.

The white walls and containers filled with sticks, q-tips, various sizes band-aids and a thermometer made it obvious that it was the nurse's office when all of the sudden they notice I'm awake.

By them I mean Josh, Ethan, Vik, mum, and the nurse. "Simon, sweetie are you okay?" My mother asks worry evident in her voice as hugs me carefully, yet keeps her grip.

I look over to my friends and mouth, "you guys need to tell me what happened," and they nod. "I need to check up on a few more things and you two are fine to leave." The nurse explains and we both nod.

After being tested but the nurse and her explaining nothing serious, or hospital worthy, happened to me she told me to take an Advil and I was free to leave. So soon we left and I did as I was told and took an advil as directed. Quickly I skyped the lads and started firing questions at them. "Woah," Tobi states making me stop.

"Sorry. I just feel I missed so much." I rub the sides of my forehead as I lean back taking a deep breathe. My attention is drawn away from the chat when I hear a faint sound of rocks hitting my window. I look over and see Nikki standing at her window with sad eyes. "Hey uh guys, I'll talk to you later." I quickly end the call before they can say something and go to open up my window.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Dareth." She sighs looking down at the ground.
"Who's Dareth?" I question not recognizing the name or who he could be.
"My boy- ex boyfriend now I guess. The one who uh..." She motions pretending to hit her head meaning she obviously didn't want to state it out loud, but I catch on and nod. "I never think he would hurt anyone. He was so sweet and I just... I thought he was different than the other guys." She wipes under her eyes as they grow in a red color, but it was hard to tell since we were far from each other.

She was obviously going to cry since her face was stiff and her eyes were squeezed shut. "I'm coming over." I state closing my window before she can complain if she was even going to. This could be my chance. Maybe we could be what I've always wanted to be. Obviously I wouldn't make my move now; she just broke up with her ex, but that wouldn't stop me from gaining her trust. I need her to know I'd never hurt her which is true anyway.

Her front door was unlocked and the house I've haven't entered for almost 5 years hasn't changed. I knew her family never liked change, they would rarely even get new furniture. I immediately found my way up to her room which changed a lot. The once pastel pink walls are a bright baby blue with posters of different music groups and artists. Her bed sits in the far left corner and next to it is her vanity. Shelfs and decorative cabinets line the walls with small Nick Nacks and her window sits in the center of the right wall looking into my own room. Her room was clean, like always, and there was a huge empty space covered by a purple and matching blue color rug.

She sat on her bed hugging a pillow close to her body. Her once soft stormy blue eye are now red puffy eyes. I sit next to her and wrap my own arms around her tightly wiping away the tears on her hot cheeks. She doesn't respond at first, but after a second of silence she rests her head on my shoulder. "I- I'm sorry Simon. I could've stopped him from getting into that fight. I could've stopped him from hurting you, but I didn't."

"It's okay," I coo softly as she wraps her arms around me. "We're okay. Everything is going to be... okay." If only I could believe myself.

I'm trying to improve my writing and make it more descriptive so that's why there's a monologue describing her room 😂

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