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Warning: mention of a death

-one week later-
French. Yay. That means I get to talk to annoying Annabelle... I mean Annabelle.

Right when I sit down she sits next to me and grabs my arm moving next to me closer her. Her perfume was overpowering me easily and I turned subtly trying to give my senses a break. The one thing I liked about being her partner was that she knew a lot about France since her family apparently took a trip every two years or so.

We've been working on this project every class so far and haven't gotten so far. Whenever I tried to get us on topic she would drag me away complimenting my hair or something. Sure, the compliment was nice and everything, but I just wanted to get this project done. It was due in a week or so and we only had two more French classes to work on it. "Annabelle," I stop her. "We really need to work on this project." I state to her sternly. She sighs and nods looking at her hands which were on the desk.

"Tell you what," she perks up with her eyes bright. "Why don't you come over to my house today. My parents probably know much more than I do and we'd love to have you." She smiles brightly. My stomach churns telling me not to. What if like fucking kidnaps me or some shit like that. Come on Simon, why would she do that?

She is s bit coo coo... but I don't think she'd do that. That's basically putting the rest of you life to waste. I mean she's 17. Why would someone do that?

"Uh sure." I say my voice stumbling a bit.
"Cool! I'lol meet you outside after school." She says just as the bell rings. She gathers her things and leaves.

I do the same and leave the classroom but someone taps on my shoulder as I enter the hallway. "Hey, Si." Nikki smiles pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Hey Nikki. What's up?" I ask knowing I should probably be getting to my blast class but not caring.

"I feel bad asking this, but can you drive me home today. The person who usually does is absent and my parents can't. I'll make it up to you. I swear." She pleads making the pit in my stomach grow.

"Uh I can't. I have to go over to a friend's house to work on a project. I'm really sorry. Try asking JJ. Tell him you're a friend of mine and ignore retry much everything he says. He's a bit crazy." I laughs and she smiles. Really I just knew he'd probably say something about me on the lines of liking her. "I'm sorry I can't." I tell her and just sends a sad smile.

"Don't feel bad, Si. I totally understand. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Okay." I smile and we part ways. Every time I see her, my stomach still erupts with butterflies.

"How large is Tours again?" Annabelle asks trying to keep herself from chewing on the end of her pencil.
"The population in 2010 (takes place in 2015) was 134,817." I tell her continuing to look other things up. "When do your parents get home?" I ask since I really just came over so we ask them. Not trying to be rude but it's true.

My phone starts buzzing and I pick up the call hearing JJ's voice on the other end. "Dude? Where are you! We need to record videos!" He practically shouts and I roll my eyes knowing he can't see me.
"Dude I can't. Im at Annabelle Miller's house working on our project." I tell him making sure not to make my tone sound like I was annoyed even though I was.

"Dude. I heard she was a total stalker." JJ laughs. He can be such a loudmouth sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised if Annabelle heard that. She was just looking over at me staring intently like she just saw something move.

"I'm starting to believe that." I joke. It could've been taken so many ways, I just hope she didn't take it the right way. "I gotta go. Call you later Jide."
"Okay. Have fun with Annoying Annabelle." He laughs again.
"Yup." I say quickly before hanging up.

"Who was that?" She immediately asks once I put my phone back into my pocket.
"Just my friend. JJ." I tell her and she nods looking back down at her paper.
"Oh by the way my dad should be home soon." She states. I forgot I even asked that question.

"What about your mum?" I ask. She looks at me for a second then down at the ground with a deep sigh. "Oh. I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me if-"
"No. It's okay. She died when I was young. I don't even remember her much. It's no big deal." She replies wiping her nose obviously trying to hold back tears. She takes her glasses off wiping her eyes with her clean hand her face slowly getting redder. "I- it's just hard sometimes." I rush over hugging her tightly. She was obliviously about to cry and one thing I hate are tears. Not like I don't think people should cry, it's that I feel so terrible and sometimes I start crying with them.

"It's okay." I whisper to her pushing her hair out of her face sitting on her bed next to her not bothering to let her go. Her tears soaked my shirt which also muffled her quiet sobs. "I'm so sorry, Anna." She pulls away wiping her eyes again.
"An- Anna?" She stutters making the guilt grow in me again.
"Y- yeah. I also use nicknames. I guess you could say they add something unique to our... relationship."

"Oh. What can be your nickname then?" She asks with a small smile. At least she wasn't crying much anymore. I shrug in response not thinking of anything. "What about... Si? Like you know the first two letters of your name." Thoughts jumble up in my mind. That was Nikki and my thing. I guess... I can share. Right?

"Sure." I respond with a subtle smile squeezing her hand tightly.

Annabelle might a confusing character but in the future hopefully the mystery will unravel a bit about her but if it isn't enough I'll explain it more throughly

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