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At lunch we everyone had their own little conversations, but I didn't bother to take part in one instead I just sat with one hand in a fist holding my head up and the other with a fork in hand pushing peas around on my plate. Let me tell you, cafeteria food sucks.

"What's up, Simon?" Tobi asks finally catching on to my unusual behavior. I shrug in response and see Josh and Vik smirk from across the table.
"He's in love with a girl." Vik explains to everyone who's eyes were on me after Tobi asked.
"I though we were a couple." Ethan asks fairly pouting making me roll my eyes.
"It's not that. It's just..." I trail off not being able to come up with an answer because it was that.

Seriously, I haven't talked to her in over five years and there she goes knowing so much about me. The girl I have had a crush on ever since my eyes laid sight of her 18 (they're both 19) years ago. I'm saved from questions when the bell rings signaling the end of lunch period. Quickly, in one swift motion, I get up and put my tray up not wanting to have any of their questions fired at me.

Luckily my next, and final, class was without them since I chose to take French instead of Spanish for some strange reason. Gotta impress the women in some way right? *wink wink* ( actually Simon didn't take French he took Spanish I think and Vik learned French :P)
I was the only kid in here since there was still five minutes of class left and people were talking with friends. Not even the teacher was in here. I sat on my phone scrolling through Twitter since I had a chance reading all the twits smiling.

Soon the bell rings and I put my phone up. When the teacher walks in she greets saying, "Bonne classe l'après-midi." {good afternoon class}
"Bon après-midi Pont miss." {good afternoon Ms. Bridge} We all respond. Ms. Bridge was a nice teacher. Single, with about four cats, but she was nice. You could immediately tell she was French because her accent was heavy and thick.

"Today we are learning foods." She explain recovering no response. "Or nourriture." {food} She writes some food items on the board such a bread, cheese, milk, meat, and vegetables. "In French, bread means pain." She explains writing down pain next to it.


Well French sucked less than I thought it really would. My last class flew by which was good BECAUSE NOW I GET TO GO HOME!!! Vik and Josh met me in the hall since I'm also their rides home. "Is Nicole coming?" Josh asks, I shrug in response.

"I'm not sure." I explain truthfully. I thought she might've but there's a chance she could've asked a friend. "Should we wait for her?"
"Should we be gentlemen?" Josh asks getting no answer. We sit in silence for a second before we all say, "nah."

Now yes, it might sound rude, but we had lives and weren't going to waste precious minutes of our lives when we can do something productive like make a video. I start up my car but all of the sudden we hear shoes hitting the pavement running up to the car frantically. "Can I catch a ride with you all? My bitch I call a friend ditched me to go shoes shopping with another friend who is also a bitch." She explains with a sarcastic grin her head cocked to the side.

"Sure." I explain and she truly smiles and gets in the back next to Vik.
"Are all your friends bitches?" Josh asks who was in the front next to me.
"Yup. Pretty much." She sighs and I could see her staring out the window watching the dark gray clouds start to rain down on us.

I feel Josh stare me down and I have no idea why. I quickly give him a confused look before returning to the road and he whispers, "offer her to sit with us at the table."
"No!" I exclaim everyone taken aback at my sudden outburst and jerk of the car.
"You okay Si?" Nikki asks leaning up in between us. We both nod quickly luckily Josh understood

We drop the others off with the rest of the ride in utter silence and Nikki climbs in the front and we were just sitting in my driveway since the rain was pouring down hard outside. "What was that about? You know earlier." She asks making a pit form in my stomach. I was a horrible liar and she knew that and whenever we got in trouble when we were younger I was ordered to keep my hands at my side and not say anything because she was an exceptional liar and a bit too good than should be to be completely honest.

"Oh," I start stalling time to think of a quick and easy lie. "Josh asked if he should ask you out." I rush out her cheeks slightly blushing. YOU FRECKIN... ugh why did I have to choose that.
"Why did you say no?" She asks.
"I know him better than you, and I can tell you wouldn't like him."

"Why? From his videos he's exactly like you and I like you, well of course in a friendly way." Her words sting because I like her in a different, more intense way. "You alright mate?" She asks concern clouding her blue eyes. "You seem to be off today."
"No, it's nothing." I explain quickly in one breathe.
"Well obviously it is. Come on Si, we would tell each other everything. What makes now so different?" She spoke words of truth because nothing really was different besides our appearances, but still barely. She still had a honey tint to her beautiful long hair and her eyes sparkled filled with tiny stars that were visible from any distance.

She was strikingly beautiful and no one else was like her, but more importantly no one would know her like me. Even if someone moved next to her and she stopped talking to me completely and spent all her time with them, it still wouldn't be the same because we had a special bond no one else could have. No other pair of humans were like us and went together so well. "Simon!" She shouts snapping in front of face like she always would and every time it would scare the shit out of me.


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