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I wasn't looking forward to the next morning. Anna asked if I could pick her up this morning and I didn't want to be rude so I said yes. Because of it I had to get up early which seriously sucks ass.

After reluctantly getting ready and getting ready for school I grab a banana from the kitchen and head to the driveway starting my car and putting it into drive. I turn the radio up as I drive out the neighborhood almost immediately changing the station.

I didn't want to make Josh have to wake up earlier even though his house was first on the way so I just planned it out and if I'm a little late or early to Josh's than so be it. Once I park in front of Anna's house I text her and after a minute she comes out with a small smile plastered on her face. "Good morning, Si." She greets closing the passenger door.
"Morning." I respond probably sounding like I'm tired as hell... oh wait, I am.

We pull up to Josh's actually right on time and I text him like always. He comes out and notices that the front seat is occupied and his eyebrows knit together but he gets in the back seat. "Hi." Josh greets in a slight confused tone.

"I'm Annabelle." She states with a smile and holds her hand out. She was turned in a weird position with her hips.
"Joshua. Call me Josh though."
"Okay then, Josh." They shake hands and she turns back to a normal position. "Where to next?" She asks as I take a turn that not the direction towards school.

"My other friend, Vik. Then to school." I explain to her and she nods biting her life slightly.
"Cool." She says nonchalantly.

Once we arrive Vik comes out opening up the door and getting in completely ignoring Annabelle, but he never looked at Josh either so it was expected. I look through the mirror seeing him sit down next to Josh then look over shocked. "What the fuck?" Vik practically screams making all of us laughs.

He looks up in the front seeing Annabelle then sighs. "Oh sorry about that. I'm Vik." He explains holding his hand out which she shakes.

"So I've heard. Annabelle." He nods and I put the car in drive heading to school with an awkward silence drifting throat the small car.

Before I know it. We reach school a few minutes before school starts meaning we missed the football game we usually play. Oh well.

"Thanks, Si." Annabelle a smiles kissing my cheek. She walks away and once she turn downs. Hallway I run my hand over my cheek harshly hoping there's no lipstick mark.

"Si?" Josh says surprised making me jump. I didn't know he was there. "I thought that was your and Nicole's thing."
"Yeah, well now she'll have to share and get over it." I state harshly closing my locker and stomping away from a befuddled Josh hurrying to class before the bell rings.

At lunch Simon was surprised when he noticed Nicole walking up to them with her books in hand and head down so her honey blond hair was covering her face.

"Hey, uh, I hate to ask this but can you drive me home today? My best friend who usually drives me bailed on me again. I don't think she'll ever drive me again and I'm not sure why." He voice cracked from place to place, but I quickly nod slinging an arm over her shoulder. I really wanted to hug her but not, and here, wS not the time not place.

"Of course, Nikki. If be happy too."
"T-thanks, Si." She sends timid time smile before hugging me.
"Want to sit with us? We have a free spot since Vik is sitting with his other friends. We have a bit till lunch is over." I offer and by now all the boys were looking at us with small smirks on their faces.

"Oh, um no thanks. I have to get to the library. I really need to find a book to read for a project but I'll meet you after school, okay?" I simply nod as she walks away and out of the cafeteria.

To be honest, I was a little disappointed she didn't sit with us. I could imagine the guys making subtly dirty jokes while I just blushed and she say confused at all the little innuendoes. She'd fit right in with the group after awhile at least. They'd all treat her like a little sister and...

God help me I'm so love with this girl.


Also do you guys like this cover or the old one? I might change it idk

if your name is Lindsay (must be spelled that way) tell me because I might've met you 😂

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