XII part one

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"Hey Si." Anna greets into the phone making me want to groan, but refrain.
"What's up?" I ask trying to sound like I didn't just wake up because my phone was ringing.
"Can you pick me up? My parents can't. Well they can't for the rest of the week. Do you mind? I feel bad for asking." She explains even though her voice sounded like she actually wasn't. I feel she might be bipolar, like one minute she's sassy, the next she's needy, and one second later, she's crying on your shoulder. Not that there's anything wrong being someone's shoulder to cry on.
"Sorry, Anna. But my car is full today." I state truthfully. It was.

"Oh. Okay. See you later, Si." She hangs up, slight sadness in her voice, but I push it away before it can guilt trip me. So, I get ready for school! Fun! (Note the sarcasm)

Once I get dressed and everything else, I head downstairs, surprisingly, to be greeted by my mother. "Hey mum." I greet as if it were a regular thing which it was not.
"Good morning, Simon." She takes a sip from her yellow mug which, by the smell, held coffee. The bags under her small, blue eyes were deep and purple. A few wrinkles of fatigue made her look a few more years older than she actually was. I understood why, since she was an ER nurse, it must put a lot of stress on her. "Your father went on a business trip yesterday. Haven't been able to sleep." She sighs rubbing her temples closing her eyes.

Dad would always go on business trips and I've gotten so used to it, I never say goodbye. Besides, my relationship with my parents were never that strong. More strong with my mom anyway. "I'm sorry mum. Try your best to get some rest, I'm off to school love you." I kiss her cheek grabbing an apple from the bowl and head out hearing her sigh right before I close the door. Poor mum. Dad is never here anymore and whenever he isn't, she never seems to be able to sleep.

"Hey, Si." Nikki smiles walking from her house probably waiting for me.
"Ready for another great day of school?!" I cheer sarcastically making her laugh. Her laugh made me slightly sad. Don't get me wrong, her laugh is amazing. Better than a baby's laugh. But I was the only one she would do a certain laugh around.
"What's wrong, Si?" She worries noticing my frown.

"Remember the laugh you did when we were kids that you'd only do around me, why don't you not do it anymore?"
"Oh." She bites her lip, fidgeting in her feet. "We should probably get going, you know. Don't want to be late." I only sigh shrugging it off and walking to the driver's side.

"Here's to another day." I mumble turning the key.

"Vikkkkky!" I shout seeing him across the hall. When I approached his house to pick him up earlier, he texted me saying he got another ride. No doubt from his man candy. He was beside him now actually. I run across the hall ignoring the judgmental stares from everyone as I ran up and hugged Vik acting way too childish for my age, but I didn't give a fuck. "Where where you Vikky? We were worried." Beside him, Lachlan laughs making Vik blush.

"Don't call me Vikky."
"Whatever you say Vikky." I tease walking away saying goodbye, but notice Lachlan kissing Vik's cheek, and maybe a frown on Nikki's face as she slams her locker shut.

Short Ik I'm sorry but I didn't know where to end it ugh
It was going to be less then I added the part where Simon runs up to Vik

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