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Simon hadn't seen Nikki for the whole rest of that weekend, and she wasn't at school either, so he decided to check up on her. He knocked on her door waiting for someone to answer, and someone did, her brother. (I hope I didn't make her an only child you guys know better than I do)

Duncan Stevens was three years older than Nikki so he was at uni in the U.S. Simon never really had a particular liking towards Duncan. He was much bigger than Simon, by height and by muscle, and he was always very strict saying to stay away from his sister. After Simon had kissed Nikki when they were seven, Simon was petrified that Duncan would come and beat him up. "H- hey, Duncan." Simon greets coughing afterwards trying to cover up his mistake. Duncan just scowls at the shorter boy. "Can I talk to Nikki? I just want to make sure she's alright." Duncan just nods and moves out the way so Simon can enter who says a quick thanks before walking up the stairs.

As he walks toward Nikki's door, he hears the soft music coming from her room. "Nikki? Can I come in?" Simon asks kind of shouting over the music hoping she heard him.
"Go away, Duncan! I'm trying to drown my sorrow in Green Day." Now Simon recognized the song.

Wake me up when September ends

"It's Si, Nikki." Simon explains resting his head against the door knowing he hurt her again. He hears the music being turned down and shuffling of feet. He straightens up and Nicole opens up the door with a blank expression. She wasn't wearing any makeup, but she wasn't really red so she hasn't been crying. That's a good thing right?
"What do you want, Simon?" She questions angrily making Simon sigh in deep thought.

"I-" he begins but then it dawns on him, "wait, you leaned in too. Why is it always my fault?" he questions earning no evident response. She remains emotionless just arching an eyebrow. "What, are you not going to answer?" he was practically yelling fuming with anger, "why the fuck are you mad at me when you wanted it too! Do you have an answer, or are you just going to leave me like you did years ago? Every day I didn't see you made my heart break more, and now I've had to put it back together myself, but I've never lost hope. I've always thought maybe you still liked me!" His breaths were uneven and his throat was becoming dry, but he continued, "Then you fucking leaned in! Who does that?! Kisses someone then leaves them hanging for three fucking days!"

Nikki was calm, she had so many words inside of her that she wanted to shout back at him, but she didn't. She just observed, Simon's red face trying to find words to respond to him. Her face showed no emotion even though every single one was running through her. She wanted to kiss him and slap him at the same time, but before she could think it through, she muttered two words, "fuck you," and slammed the door.

"Lac- Lachlan! My phone is ringing!" Vik giggles pleading for Lachlan to stop pecking his neck. It was true, his phone had rung for probably the thousandth time since they started cuddling, so whoever it was just really need you. Lachlan just smirks stopping to let Vik answer his phone, Josh on the other end. "Hey, Josh." Vik greets. Josh knew Vik was with Lachlan since Vik's voice was almost oozing happiness making Josh want yo barf. Don't get him wrong, he shipped the two to high heaven, but who know what they were doing before he called. Josh could never know, and if it's what he thought, he might never want to. "What's up?"

"It's Simon, him and Nicole broke up." Josh explains frantically.

"We're they even dating?" Vik questions since they couldn't "break up" if they weren't dating.

"No but- oh my God just call JJ and Ethan, I need to call Harry and Tobi. Tell them to come to my house. We need to have a Sidemen meeting."
"A what?"
"Never mind. Just call them please."

"Willy do Joshy poo. Can I bring Lachlan?"

"Only if you two didn't just have sex."

Sorry about Vikklan just like spontaneously becoming a side ship 😬
also sorry about lying about last chapter saying the nest would be banter I thought this needed more drama
there was some ZerkStar123 banter though

I was looking back on old chapter and cringed so much xD I hate how I did the caps

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