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Warning: a lot of POV switches... oops

Josh's POV
"Hey, Josh." I hear someone call out my name so I turn around seeing Nicole.
"Uh hey, Nicole." I greet awkwardly.

"I know this might be a bit sudden... but Simon told me you liked me..." Fuck.
"Uhhh ya... its just...." I stumble over my words trying to come up with something at least kind of believable.
"No it's just.... I like someone else. I was also hoping you could tell me something." I mentally sigh in relief.
"Who is it?" Maybe it's Simon. I hope it is. They're so cute together.

"It's uh..." she pauses taking a deep breath before continuing. "its..."

Secret POV

I was recording a video when all of the sudden I get a Skype call from Josh. "Can't talk. Recording." I quickly message him returning to my game.

"No we need to talk. Now." He messages back rather fast. I quickly sigh from his message and pause my recording. I'll just say my mic quit working or something to the viewers when I cut it. He messages me again and I answer.
"What's up?" I ask him. His face was unreadable and it kind of scarred me.
"You can't tell this to Simon okay?" I nod in response and he takes a deep breath. "Vik, Nicole doesn't love Simon."

"Give her time." I tell him smirking. There wasn't anything behind the smirk. I just do it all the time, almost by instinct. "She'll come around."
"No you don't understand. She likes you."

Simon's POV

"Yo." I quickly texted Josh. That was our devised signal to say I was in his driveway cause I'm in the driveway" takes so long to type out. Soon enough he comes out and gets in the passenger's side of the car, but I could tell something was wrong. His hair was messed up instead of its usual neat and clean swoop. He's always been self conscious about his hair looking okay, and I can defiantly say that today, it was not looking fresh.

Also his skin was paler than normal. Not like unhealthy pale but paler than usual. "You okay?" I ask not moving out of the driveway just in case he needed to stay home.
"I'm fine. Lets just go an pick up Vik." I shrug it off and pull out of the driveway over to Vik's place.

Vik came out looking normal, luckily, except he was wearing his glasses. He literally never wears his glasses in front of anyone besides us and the Pack. After we finish recordings he'll put them on, but never in public. "Why are you wearing your glasses?" I ask trying to make it sound as casual as possible.
"I ran out of contacts. Forgot to order more." I nod, but something in his voice told me he was lying. He was never the best liar. His voice would get a tone higher and sweat would roll down his forehead. Sometimes he pretended to fan himself when it happened as if he was hot, but it was -34 degrees C outside. (Around -2 degrees F)

Was something going on I didn't know about? It couldn't be. These two are probably my best friends out of the group. They'd never do that to me, right? I hope not. Hopefully I'd never do anything to them either. I brush the thought away to focus on the road.

Soon we reach the school and Vik and Josh immediately rush out of the car into the school. Probably trying to copy down homework at last minute. I stroll over to the field to meet with the other guys and maybe play a quick game.

I honestly don't know what happened in this chapter
I totally forget how far in this book I've gotten because I mean I don't know Roman Numerals off the top of my head xD
Sorry it's a bit on the short chapter I'm going to work on the next chapter 🌚

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