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I woke up to the loud alarm I always set playing Sir Mixalot. The song is so weird it motivates me to getup an turn it off but in this case it was just in my trousers. I rush inside to get ready for school and grab my keys and my piece of fruit for breakfast. Today was a banana, yum.

After driving and one banana peel I arrive at Ethan's house. He gets in but gives me a weird look through the mirror. "What?" I ask confused at his arched eyebrow. I woke up with aching neck, I really didn't need Ethan's sass.

"Where's Nicole?" He questions making me facepalm.

"Shit," I mumble pulling out of the drive and back towards my house. "Text Vik and tell him we'll be late." I order which Ethan does immediately probably noticing the appearance of annoyance.

We arrived back n my street and I see Nicole sitting on her front steps her eyebrow knitted looking down at her phone. I honk which startles her but she looks up and grabs her backpack getting in the back of the car. "Thanks, Si," she says sarcasm lacing her tone making me roll my eyes. I'm in a grumpy mood.

"I'm sorry. I'm more tired than I usually am."

"Ya, I saw you in your car." She laughs shocking me a bit, but I don't bother to investigate further into it. "I'm Nicole." She explains looking at Ethan.


Soon we arrive at Vik's house as he walks out his face slightly red. "Hey Vikky." Ethan greets followed by his signature laugh a he closes the door.

"You better drive fast, Minter. My perfect attendance rests on your shoulders." He glares at me through the top mirror making Nicole snort a little making Vik glare at her too. We got to school just in time. Nicole walks away as our group walks up to us.

"What took you so long?" Josh immediately asks.

"Minter here," Ethan starts by poking my shoulder, "forgot his princess back at the tower and had to rescue her again." I roll my eyes as they start laughing and I start off to my first class of the day.

Lunch couldn't of come soon enough because I was dozing off in every class. Everyone was here except Vik who was probably a bit mad at me. If he had too, he'd probably kill me if it was between that and missing a day of school. It's not that he "enjoyed" school. It's just that perfect attendance looks pretty good on uni applications. A few people, like Josh, know and have been accepted to the places they want to go, but Vik just wants to continue his look and make his options have more of a variety.

He was sitting with his other group that call themselves, "the pack." I don't get them much. They're kind of weird, but that's okay. They are nice, don't get me wrong, we just seem to have different opinions and likes, but Vik likes them and we're okay with that. They're okay that Vik likes us so we're okay on terms. (I just want to make it clear that they're wont be any major conflicts between the groups maybe a bit of good hearted banter but nothing like that. I love both groups.)

I noticed Nikki looking over at us every so often too. Sometimes her friends would find her glancing at us and scold her but she pushed them off and looked away, but would sometimes look back.

Her friends... well they were dicks. They were just your typical movie jocks who would pick on the nerdy kids. They wouldn't physical fight them just kind of pick on them and call them names. I've never seen them actually throw a punch. That was until today...


ohhh cliffhanger....

sorry about not uploading for awhile you know just a lot has been on my plate recently, but I've cleared some of it, but unfortunately something big is happening in my life Friday so it may be a bit hard to write... you guys are the first people I'm telling lol

basically something is happening (nothing major) and I may be out for a few days.

I don't want to go into much detail, but it's nothing too serious (nothing fatal) I just MIGHT not be able o write, but last time it happened I still did lol

okay anyways ya see ya later

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