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Warning:There is a fight scene in this so ya also I gave Simon like a Kung fu move and idk 😂 so just read it and I hope you enjoy

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Dick (I'm not kidding his name is Dick) started walking up to the Pack's table and slammed on it catching the entire caferteria's attention. They weren't your movie sterotipical nerds that just provide whatever the bully wants, but when he demanded something, like lunch money, the'yd say no. Fear was not evident in their appearance, but every time they rejected something they demanded their voices cracked. We were about to step in, cause you know they are kind of our friends in way, but that's when a punch was thrown.

Dick hit Preston straight in the jaw sending him tumbling backwards out of his chair. By this time everyone had crowded around shouting "Fight!" The rest of their group were alert and on their feet so they were ready to defend themselves and their friends if needed.

"Should we help them?" Harry asks.

"No you twat. We stand here waiting here for them to get beaten to the pulp!" JJ sasses. "Yes, we help them, but they don't need it now."

"I'm so confused!" Tobi states Josh and I agreeing. JJ was kind of the big-shot of the group and kind of the leader I guess you could say...

No more punches were thrown just back talk until Rob lost it and punch one of his "goons." He fell back holding his bloody nose and basically all out war happened making everything seem to happen in a second. Some more popular kids joined the fight with Dickhead while no one helped them, that was until we did. We were easily out numbered against them and most of them were stronger than us. Soon the fight went all out and more punchs and kicks were thrown.

The thing is, they are less graceful than a duck who's tail feathers were just lit on fire. We easily dodged them and could punch them in the gut. I'd say JJ, Mitch, and Josh were the strongest out of all of us, but we all could pack hard punches. "Simon!" I hear Tobi shout. He was close, but I couldn't see him through the tightly packed bodies. I'm guessing others joined the fight since there were many other people I didn't recognize fighting the populars.

I finally spotted Tobi fighting three guys at once, but these guys were more coordinated than the others dodging his punches. "Be ready." I whisper and he nods in response. This was risky, but risky was my middle name so I dropped to the ground and swung my legs out making them jump but Tobi quickly punched them making them fall backwards. We quickly high-five before parting ways to help others. I noticed Vik and Laclan fighting another two guys.

They end up winning and high-five, but I notice Preston having trouble since his jaw was badly bruised. I rush over and punch the guy in the gut making Preston sighed releived. He says thanks and I continue looking for people until hear a voice come up behind me. The voice was not known to me, but I got a good look of his face before he grabbed me by my arms whispering, "lights out Minter," and slamming me towards the ground with such force which makes my vision go black.

Ya... sorry about that....

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