XII part two

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Third Person

Nikki sighed seeing the tall, handsome, blonde kiss Vik's cheek in a meaningful way. she was actually a little less heartbroken than she thought she would've been, instead of breaking down, she just shut her locker and walked out of the school. Her mind was buzzing from different emotions. Her heart hurt, don't get her wrong, but her heart was broken before and now it didn't feel really broken. Maybe more sore.

Maybe she should just give up on boys. They were confusing. Realizing she hitched a ride with Simon, she groaned not seeing him around anywhere when it was the end of the day. Well, her house wasn't that far of a walk, right? She could run and get home faster.

She looked down at her doc martens, aka not very good running shoes, noticing them laced up and started sprinting.

Simon came out of the school seeing Nicole sprinting off the property. He thought her heart was broken again and chased after her. All of the sudden, a boom of thunder roared in the sky and rain started falling heavily on his almost drenching his hair immediately.

He groaned, but kept running while calling after Nikki, the sound of the rain drowned his voice out though. Then he felt a much needed surge of adrenalin and caught up to her grabbing her shoulder and turning her around hugging her tightly. "Si? What are you doing?" her muffled voice asked since her face was squished against his chest. He smiled pulling away seeing she looked normal, so not like she was crying.
"Wha- I saw you back there. I thought that... I'm not sure. Maybe you'd be sad?"

Her face softened at his explanation, feeling her heart jump a mile at his concern for her. "Oh Si," she grins caressing his cheek with her hand. He liked the feeling of his smooth, delicate hand on his hot, dry cheek. "You've always been there for me." Before she knew it, he was mindlessly leaning in.

So was she.

They kissed, rain pouring down all around them.

They couldn't wish for any better way.

some this chapter is short and the lady was short I just decided to make them correspond together the next chapter (I'm planning) will just be some banter probably continuing in third person but I'm hoping for it to be longer

don't expect many more chapter maybe five or so I'm not positive

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