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Soon Nikki fell asleep so I placed her body carefully under the covers careful not to wake her up. I hurried out of her house since her parents were getting back today and I didn't want them seeing me in her room while she was sleeping. Who knows what they might think!

When I get back into my own home I call the guys up again. "Ayeee lover boy is back." Tobi immediately says when my face is pulled up. Ethan laughs as usually making me roll my eyes.
"Whatever guys. Are we going to record or not?" I ask turning on my xbox.

School was a pain like most days, but I did notice Nikki sitting by herself at lunch. Did they kick her out of the "populars" because she dumped Dareth? Most likely. But maybe she left on her own.

I guess Ethan noticed me because he starts laughing and saying "lover boy" to the others. I shot him a glare and quickly glance over again seeing her staring at one of her textbooks with a piece of cantaloupe on her fork.

"You are so gaga over her." Josh states rolling his eyes.
"What do you expect?" I question him smiling slightly. "I've had a crush on her since we were like three."

Vik "awws" quietly making me roll my eyes. "Our little Si is in deep." He chuckles.
"Don't call me that." I retort.

"Hey, I'm not the one whose fallen head over heels for a girl." He says making my huff and keep quiet the rest of lunch.

Lunch goes by slowly but soon the bell rings and I feel I'm the first out of there. Next was French of course. French was not my... le plus or is it my le meilleur? {both mean best}.

I walked in and sat in my assigned seat, but since I rushed out of lunch, no one else was here. After a few minutes the bell rings and everyone starts walking in sitting at their desks. Haha. Nerds I got here first.

Ya it's official Simon. You have gone crazy. After another minute Ms. Bridge walks in and we do our introductions.

"Okay classe, today I will pair you up with partners to write a paper on a famous French city. And before you ask, no, Paris is not one of them." Everyone groans as she starts listing off names. "Simon Minter, and Annabelle Miller." She reads. Annabelle? Never heard of her. She walks up to my desk with a huge smile on my face. Almost kind of creepy. We probably got paired up because of our surnames.
"I'm Annabelle Miller." She greets holding her hand out. I shake it quickly admiring her features. Her hair was a honey blonde about two shades lighter than Nikki's and her eyes were a stormy grey buzzing with knowledge. Thick glasses hung on the bridge of her nose and she had to push them up every so often.

She was cute, I'll admit that, but I've met prettier. "Ahh Simon and Anna." Ms. Bridge comes up holding a beret in her hand loaded in papers. "This will determine what city you both get." She explains shaking them up. Annabelle reaches and takes a piece of paper from the hand unfolding it quickly.


Annabelle reads aloud.
"Tours, such a fantastique city. (fantastic) Good pick." She walks away and Annabelle gets a notebook out.
"One thing I already know about Tours is St. Martin of Tours." She explains starting a new page titling it FRANCE PROJECT WITH SIMON underneath she writes tours and under that St. Martin of Tours.
"I know it's a university town. Toni, one of my best friends, said he was thinking about going to collage there. He said Tours is quite known for it."

She nods writing down uni and we continue looking up things and writing them down about Tours until class ends.
"Welp. I look forward to working with you." She smiles as we leave the classroom last. "And by the way, you were so heroic in the cafeteria." She winks before walking down the halls sending chills down my spine. Oh God.

That was 696 words 😂😂😂
#illumanati confirmed? Or a sex joke?

What do you guys think about Annabelle? 😏

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