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"Ok. so I'm betting you all are wandering why I called and emergency Sidemen meeting," Josh begins looking seeing the other six guys.
"Yeah. Did Lachlan replace Simon?" Ethan laughs at his not-so-funny joke.
"No, I just tagged along with Vik," Lachlan clears up wrapping his arm around Vik.

"No," Josh states bluntly, "but this is about Simon."
"What's happened?" Tobi asks quickly leaning forward paying attention to Josh who was standing.
"Long story, but we need to work out a plan. Him and Nicole are slipping through like sand and it's obvious they help each other, and I have a plan."

Simon's POV

"Josh?" I call out knocking on his door for the thousandth time. If he wants me over, why isn't he answering? It was obvious he's here. I could hear the faint sound of video games, cars crashing to be specific, and only Josh played video games in his house. "Josh! I know you're in there. You're the one who wanted me here anyway!" I yell knocking on the door again, slightly annoyed at this point. What the fuck is Josh doing here.

I groan when he doesn't answer again turning around to go back home, but am met face to face with Nikki. Of fucking course.

"What are you doing here?" she practically spits making me scowl her. We've never had sour feelings towards each other, until now that is.
"What the fuck do you think I'm doing here? I'm visiting my friend. But the asshole isn't answering!" I shout the last part so Josh could hear me. Soon after, the sound stops replaced by the sound of shuffling footsteps. A few seconds later, Josh opens the door looking at both of us as we shuffle farther apart being as far apart as we can but still in Josh's line of sight.

"Great! You two are here!" Josh practically cheers grabbing both of our wrist and bring us inside and locking the door. Creepy. I look over into the living room seeing the other five Sidemen plus Lachlan sitting in the living room where GTA is paused.
"What are you guys doing here?" I question receiving no answer, instead just blank stares.

After a tensed silence, Tobi just gets up, and leaves. Slowly all the others do walking towards the stairs that lead upstairs til it's only Josh. "You guys aren't getting out of here until you make up." Josh states looking at the two with a hostile glare before leaving too.

"Oh my God, kill me now," Nicole groans sitting on the couch.

I sit in the chair far away from her, the tension in the room almost palpable. We go for what seems like hours not talking, and even though it was awkward, it gave me time to think.

How could we have grown this far apart in the matter of a mere few days. So many thoughts nag at my mind, I feel like I'm drowning. Maybe something would be different if I hadn't of kissed her like I did.

I hear Nikki sigh making my head shoot up on instinct, but she doesn't do anything else for another few minutes.

That's when I speak up saying, "Nicole, when did we go wrong?" For a minute, she doesn't do anything but stare at the fireplace in front of her, chin rested upon her balled fist. But she does respond saying,
"I'm not sure, Si."

One thing I did know was that, something had to be fixed and I intended to fix it.
well, that was crappy
but hopefully it'll lead into something that is uncrappy

I'm trying to like not be so infrequent with updates but it's kind of hard because I feel like my grades are slipping a little and I'm pretty sure it's because I've been reading so much fanfiction and I need to start writing more and reading like actual published books more idk and I'm going to try to become more organized

I tried to get published in like the school publication thing but they said my entry was too long 😂 so yeah

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