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Note: fans of alternative bands will like this chapter 😂

The final bell rung as the teacher said goodbye to the class and everyone got up grabbing their things. I didn't have much, and the first out of the class rushing toward my locker putting up my books, and grabbing the ones I needed quietly humming to myself. "Hey, bro!" Vik said jumping onto my shoulders making me give him a piggy back ride.

"What the fuck Vik!" I yelped in surprise quickly regaining my balance. "I'm not, Lachlan." He blushes keeping his mouth shut as I put him down. He's had a crush on Lachlan and it was obvious Lachlan had a crush on him. I didn't know Lachlan too personally, but knew he was Australian, tall, blue eyed, and by Vik's description "dreamy".

He is such a Disney princess sometimes. I laugh quietly to myself as we continue to walk out of the building approaching my car which was park on the far side of the parking lot. As we approached I noticed Nikki and Josh chatting away making my heart beat falter. I put on a fake smile trying to keep my jealousy to a minimum. "Sup guys." I greet as we walk up. They quit their conversation and turn their heads towards us with small smiles.
"Hey Simon. I was just telling him about the time when-"

"I DONT NEED TO HEAR IT!" I interrupt her making her and Josh burst out in laughter.
"Do you even know what I was going to say?" She asks I between breaths. Her laugh was beautiful, like bells ringing on a wedding day. Do they even do that? I'm not sure.
"No, and I don't need to!" I retort rough gritted teeth trying hard not to laugh myself.

"Wait, I'm so confused." Vik looks between us with a confused making us just laugh more.
"I'll tell you later." Josh not-so-quietly whispers meaning to piss me off more.
"If you do, I will kill you, Zerker." I state sternly.
"Get that one tape?" Josh asks looking behind me towards Nikki who was looking at her phone sitting somewhat on the passenger seat.
"Yup. Now we have the evidence." She laughs swinging her feet around so she was fully in the car.

"You all are such... I hate you, you know that?" I grumble making them laugh.
"Of course we know that, Simon."

"Bye!" Josh waves goodbye walking up the driveway to his house. It was only Nikki and I in the car now. Once I start driving out of the neighborhood she turns up the music listening to the Twenty One Pilots song playing.

She's the tear in my heart I'm alive
She's the tear in my heart I'm on fire
She's the tear in my heart take me higher
Than I've ever been

She starts softly singing along making me laugh as she slowly got more and more into it thrashing her head around. After awhile the song ends and she stops taking a breathe turning the radio down a little as Blank Space comes on.

"You like tøp?" I ask my hands gripping onto the steering wheel tightly as I turn down the corner.
"Yeah. You can say that." She blushes a little leaving silence lingering in the air as she looks out the window softly humming to the tune of the song that just ended. "Tyler Joseph is hot." She mutters under her breathe turning her head making me laugh even though I just a little jealous... just a little. "What type of music do you like?" She asks.

"Umm.." I trail off thinking about my music taste. Usually, I'm too busy to listen to music then a band pops into my head. Hopefully she liked them too even though I know nothing about them really. "I like Panic! At the Disco." I lie. Well not completely. I've heard I Write Sins Not Tragedies before and it was pretty good.

"I'm oh my gosh! I love them! What's your favorite song?" She smiles turning toward me. Shit. Should I say IWSNT? That might make her think I'm a fake fan, even though I technically am. I quickly try to think of another song of there's when one pops into my head. It was a popular one of their's, but oh well. "This is Gospel." I explain making her nod.

"That is such a good song. My favorite is Nine in the Afternoon."
"Yeah. I like that song too." I lie trying my best to hide the small tremble in my voice, but make sure to take a note to listen to it when I get home.

We arrive in the neighborhood and I pull into her driveway. "Hey, you want to come over? We can listen to music. I have all of the vinyls." She smiles and immediately I nod. Would this be considered a date? If it wasn't then I don't care and I'll count it as whatever I want and I want to count it as a date.

"Totally." I responded making her smile and say goodbye before going into her house. When she does I park my car in my driveway and go inside racing up he stairs. I sorted through my closet finding a casual-yet-kinda-dressy blue plaid button up and take off my shirt and put it on leaving my jeans on and fixing my hair up before sending a quick text to the guys saying I wouldn't be up for a recording. Damn, the fans must hate me.

My parents weren't home like normal so it's not like I could say goodbye to anyone so I just walk over and knock on the door. Nicole answers with a smile and invites me in. She was wearing what she was wearing early but put a loose black knit sweater over it, and I don't blame her because it was cold today.

She put her hair in a French braid which I found cute remembering smelling her hair when we would lay together in the grass. Of course not in a creepy way, but I remember it smelling like strawberries. I wonder if it still does.

We go to her room and she opens up a cabinet before standing in front of me with 4 vinyls all by P!ATD. "Which would you like to listen to first?

It was eight before we listened to all the songs, and I really liked them. When the final song ends she yawns before getting up and putting the disk back in its case and puts the stack of vinyls up. "Thanks, Simon. I've never had someone who had similar music tastes as me." She smiles before sitting on the bed next to me. I was looking at my window thinking of all the times we would stay up late with our windows open just talking to each other. After getting tired of the silence I start to talk, but realize she's fallen asleep. How did I never realize her head was on my shoulder.

I smile smelling the subtle scent of the strawberries with sweet memories filling my mind and I pick her up laying her down on her bed and pull the covers over her body making her immediately get comfortable mumbling soft words making me silently laugh.
"Sweet dreams, Nikki." I say to the silence closing her bedroom door and letting myself out.

I was thinking a lot about music when I wrote this as you can tell... But seriously listen to P!ATD if you haven't and if you don't like IWSNT then listen to This is Gospel or Nine in the Afternoon or Northern Downpour (which is my fav) they have like a different style for each album AND ITS FUDGING AWESEOME!!!!!

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