Chapter 1

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Daisy's POV

"Come on daisy it's your 21st birthday you have to go out it's like a passage to adult hood" Vicky says dropping herself on my bed "what am I going to wear and also I have never drank a day in my
Life Vic" I tell her as I drop the book I'm reading down on the bed .

"We can go to my house and get you ready , come on dee it's gonna be fun .. you'll drink dance with good looking guy and who knows probably get laid for once" she says as she comes to me and starts poking me while smiling .

I look at her and smile "I'll do everything but get laid I don't want to be that girl . I want to give it to the person I love." I tell her and she rolls her eyes "sorry to bust the bubble but love is overrated" she says as she gets up she grabs her bag puts it on her shoulder and starts to head out of my room .

"Your coming or not Dee ?" She ask and I puff out grab my bag , I might as well have fun and see where the night takes me.

"Good girl, let's go have fun..your only 21 once" Vicky says opening the front door of my apartment I close it behind her and head to her car we get in and drive off to her place .

It takes about 30 mins to get to her place we get out and walk to her door and go in we walk to her room I drop everything on her bed including myself "go shower , we have an hour to get ready " Vic says looking through her closet.


Me and Vic are dressed she's wearing a green silk dress paired with mint green heels the strings of the heels wrap around her pale legs she looks beautiful in the dress . Vicky is the girl you see in photos with the nice pale skin forest green eyes thin lips yet nice enough and skinny like a model and blond hair curled up in perfection

I on the other hand am wearing a royal blue dress that is just above the knee with blue heels that have a small strap around the ankle. My tan skin makes the dress stand out a little more I'm a curvy girl in all the right places my hair is straighten and all I have on of make up is eyeliner to make my brown eyes stand out a little more .

"Ready" I say as I look at myself in the mirror "okay let's go the cab is outside" Vic says as she grabs her clutch we walk out of her place and just like she said the cab is here I open the door and get in .

Vic gets in after me "where to ladies" the cab driver asks us I don't know the club so I look at Vic to talk "oh , umm to Lucifer's Place" Vic says to the drive "on it" he says and press the button on the meter .

It takes us about 45 mins to get to the club once the cab stops Vicky pays the guy and we get out . I look around and see that the line is pretty long I guess Vicky must have seen my face because of what she says "don't worry , we don't have to wait in line I have a table for us" she says and smiles at the end .

She grabs my arm and pulls me to the club door where 2 big guys stand one with a scar on his face and the other with a patch on his eyes scary dudes the one with the patch is holding a clipboard "Name" he says as he looks at  Vicky and me "Victoria Harrison" she says to the scary dude .

He looks down at the clipboard flips 2 pages over and then looks up at us "ID" he says to her Vicky take out her ID from her clutch and hands it to him "yours too" he says looking at me I take my phone's cover off and take my ID out from the back of it and hand it to him .

He looks at both of them and then back at us he hands us back our ID's and opens the door "have a nice night girls" he says looking at both Vic and I up and down we walk pass him and enter the building .

The sound of music fills my ears the different colors hitting all over the room and people dancing and grinding on each other "let's get some drinks first" Vicky says and grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd of people till we reach the bar .

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