Chapter 7

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Santana's POV

"Hey monkeys , what would you guys like ?" The waitress says as she comes up to our table she looks at the boys "strawberry milk" Santiago says with a big grin that makes me smile "chocolate milk , please" Matteo says leaning back with his arms folded .

These kids are definitely mine they have everything that runs in the Costa Family . But there is still one major thing I haven't told Daisy and that is I'm the Dom of the Italian Mafia . How am I even gonna break it down to her that those boys she's taken care of the ones she has raised are to take over when they are 18 .

I don't even know where we stand I want to be with Daisy she's the only women I have ever wanted since that night I remember the blue dress how it looked beautiful on her body how her curves made it even more tempting to take it off .

"I'll have my usual and the boys will have the same , Santana? Would you like anything" I hear Daisy say to me bring me out of my thoughts "whatever she is getting" I say to her as I look only at Daisy she's hitting her lip . It's easy to tell she nervous what I do for a living you can see what makes people tick .

Daisy and these boys are the only reason I'm soft right now but I will fucking burn this dam city down if anything happens to them I will make sure they are safe from everything and everyone.

I might as well tell Daisy I have to tell her she'll soon have to go to Italy with me and meet the rest of the family.

"Daisy , I have something to tell you . Please be open minded" I tell her and she give me a confused look I'll tell her at her house that would be a better and more private. "May I come to your house to tell you" I ask her to which she thinks about for a little "can daddy come mommy I want to show him my toys" I hear Santiago say as Matteo just rolls his eyes .

"Umm, yeah sure" she says and smiles at us I see her bit her lip again as she looks at Matteo . I need to talk to him alone "Matteo , come walk with me we'll have James here come get us when the food is back" I say to Matteo as James one of my men walk over and sits down in the other booth on the right side of us.

Matteo looks up at his mom looking for approve which he gets . He gets up and starts to head to the door I follow behind him it's kind of chill out so I grab my coat and put it on we start to walk behind the diner which is kind of a woody area .

As we walk Matteo picks up rocks and throws them I'm guessing to see how far they can go .

"Do you even love mommy" he says suddenly making me stop he stops walking and looks at me "Matteo , your mother is a saint she is what you call a rare rose one that doesn't come alone often . I hurt your mother I did something unspeakable but I am will to do anything it takes to show you , your brother and your mother that I'm here to stay forever and be with your mother if she'll let me" I tell him as I get on one knee .

"Don't leave mommy , I hear her cry at night" he says to me as he wraps his small arms around me Im the reason she cries in the reason she doesn't trust no one it's all my fault .

"I won't buddy , I won't" I say and get up with him in my arms "ready to eat" I ask him and he nods as he leans his head on my shoulder as we walk back to the diner I let Matteo go inside first "are you coming papa?" He ask me as he holds the door open "in a second figlio" I tell him and he looks at me as if I grown 3 heads "go with your mother Matteo I'll be in a second okay ?" I say to him again and he nods and walks in .

                                {figlio: Son}

I take out my cigarette from my coat pocket and also my lighter I put the cigarette in between my lip and light it up just as I light it my phone rings . I take it out of my coat and see who's calling Alessandro . I roll my eyes and press the green button

"come va la tua giornata papà" he says laughing into the phone "In realtà sono con loro in questo momento. i nomi di mio figlio sono Matteo che è il più grande e Santiago il più giovane ..i loro gemelli" i tell him and there's a long pause

                    {how's your day daddy}

     {I'm  actually with them at the moment. my son's names are Matteo who is the oldest and Santiago the youngest ..their twins }

"Dam Santi , got 2 kids ..real question is what are you going to do now that you have them . You know the Germans and Russian have been looking for a weakness and sorry but boss they are a major weakness" he says and he is right I have to keep them safe no matter what .

Before I could answer shots ring out I drop my phone and run into the diner I see James and the boys in a corner but I don't see Daisy I duck down and crawl to them "where's Daisy?!" I ask James he looks at me with pity .

"Sorry boss the threw the boys at me and took her , I had to make sure the boys where okay" he says I nod my head and get up and shooting stops I look out the diner window and see 3 black cars the last one has a curtain in the back it's pulled to the side and I see Daisy banging on the window till another hand covers her mouth and she disappears .

"Fuck , take the kids to Italy , I'll bring their mother" I say to my men I get down on one knee to talk to the boys "why did they take mommy , I want mommy" they both say at the same time creepy .

"You both are going to go with James he'll keep you safe I will bring mommy back I promise" I say and they nod and both of them wrap their arms around me .

Oh Daisy , I'm sorry for what I have brought upon you .

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