Chapter 5

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Santana's POV

"Santi , I thought you said we were going going why the hell are we stopping at a flower shop" Alessandro complains once again "I need to send some to someone" I say as I get out of the car this is supposedly the best flower shop in the city and I want nothing but the best for her .

I open the door and the sound of bell above going off fills my ears I look up at first and then my eyes land on her the girl who I damaged the girl who I broke and took away something so innocent I can see it in her eyes the fear she knows it's me I then look at the 2 small human on the side a little boy who look hell of a lot like me and another little boy who looks like a mix of her and I together .

Could it be , No .. No way in hell oh shit their probably mine .

"Matteo, Santiago. Go to the back I'll be there in a little okay" she says to the boys and they nod their heads "okay mama" one of them say while the other just looks at me .

She dust her hands on her pants and then breaths out and looks up at me "hi, welcome to Daisy's , I'm Daisy how can I help you" she says looking at me her voice is sweet as honey but strong as steel .

"Sweet pea" I say and she steps back a little when I say that . I called her that , that day she's always been my sweet pea since the day I saw her walk into my club .

"Don't" she says "I want to apologize" I tell her as I look at her she starts to shake her head "leave , and don't come back" she says I look over her shoulder and see the 2 little boys peeking around the wall .

"Are they mine?" I ask her she looks at me and a looks of hurt and pain mixed in her her eyes but she doesn't fall or break she holds her own "I said leave" she says again "if their mine I have a right to know" I tell her .

"You think you have a right , you think you can walk in here and demand anything from me . I don't know who you are or what the hell you want but I will say this . You took the one thing I wanted to keep to give to the person I love ! You took the one thing that made me feel untouchable . So no Sir you don't have a right to know if their your or not" she says while a lone tear slides down her face .

"Daisy, when I did that I was stupid and your smell your face your being made me want you so much more I know what I did was wrong no one Deserves that . Please just let me know if their mine please is all I'm asking" I tell her I know I messed up I know I did wrong and no women should have to go through that .

"Yes ..." she says with her head down looking at her feet as if their the most interesting thing in the world "yes ? Yes what ?" I ask her as I step closer to her she looks up at me "yea , their yours" she says to me and I can feel my heart beat pick up .

I have kids not just 1 but 2 "may I meet them?" I ask her and she looks up at me "we are closing soon , you can meet us tomorrow at Harry's dinner" she says and turns around to fix flowers .

"What time ?" I ask "2" she says but doesn't look at me . "I'll be there , Daisy .. I'm sorry so so sorry I'll do anything for you to be with me and be a father to my boys" I tell her and she just nods her head .

"See you tomorrow" I tell her " see you tomorrow" she says and turns back around I look at her and her beauty is nothing to compare her brown eyes dancing in the dim lip her red pump lips he soft skin

I turn and leave Alessandro leaning up against the car "what was that about?" He ask as he chews on toothpick . "I have kids" I say as my coat hangs on my arm .

I open it up and put it on and lift the collar "what ? Wait you have kids?!" He says not believing me "yes ale I have kids now get over it we have business to attend to" I tell him and move pass him and get into the car he gets in and we head to Saints Den

Daisy's POV

He's here he was in my shop he wants to know about the boy he wants to be in our life .

He looks nothing like I thought he would he has tan skin a little lighter then mine he has green brown eyes with a scar on his left cheek his facial hair is nice on him he hair was gelled back to perfection my sons look like him both of them do .

"Mommy , was that our daddy" I hear Matteo I turn around and look at both of my body I can't lie to them I can't be that person .

"Yes babies , that was your daddy" I say to them and the come running to me "then why you're crying mommy" Santiago ask "oh nothing baby , mommy just thought she would never see him again" I tell them and they nod.

"Will we see daddy soon ?" They ask and I look at them I smile and look down at them "yes babies , tomorrow daddy will meet us at Harry's" I tell him and they let go of me and Hugh five each other .

"Come one loves Let's get this place cleaned up and ready to go, lots to do tomorrow" I say to them and they nods their head and start to clean and put things away .

"I'm sorry so so sorry Daisy" his words run through my head I can feel the pain he was in I can feel how sincere he was and how honest he was I hope things don't blow up in my face .

This isn't what usually happens to girls who have been raped yet here I am giving the man the raped me an okay to meet the children I carried from said rape .

Dear god please be on my side .. is the last thought I have .

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