Chapter 6

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Daisy's POV

After last night I couldn't really sleep a part of me wants to let this man into our lives but I don't know if I can handle that I want the boys to have their dad in their life but I don't know if I can handle that .

Right now I'm getting the boys ready for our little date at the diner when my phone rings I grab it and answer it "hey mama" I hear Vic on the other side of the phone "hey Vicky, how's London" I ask her "oh it's dreadful , wish you and the monkey where here" she says

"Well me and the boys are going out for lunch with their father" I say to her and I hear yelling coming through the phone .

"DAISYYYYY, you mean to tell me that you know who their dad is and lied to me all these years" she says sounding hurt "no Vicky, he showed up out of no where Matteo and Santiago look so much like him" I say to her .

" oh , are you going to be with him ?" She ask me I knew this question was going to pop up and I don't know if I would or could be with him he did something that hurt me but it also brought me my 2 blessings yes it might have been a curse in the beginning but the moment I brought these 2 boys into this world they became more then just a product of rape they became my blessing and maybe this was what I needed my whole life .

"I don't know Vic I'll see where things go" I tell her as I put in the boys coats since it's chill outside "well love I have to go my assistant need me" she says and laughs at the end "okay Vicky I love you bye" I tell her and hang up I look at the boys they are always dressed nicely they both have one blue jeans but Matteo has on a black shirt while Santiago has on a gray shirt .

"Ready boys?" I ask them and they nod "we're meeting daddy Teo be more happy" I hear Santiago say to Matteo I look back and see Matteo has a serious face one that mean business.

I had open the house door and let the boys walk out they run to the car and wait for me I close the door and lock it I walk to the car and open the back door the boys get in I wrap them in and then I head to the driver side I get in and turn the car on .

It take us about 30 minutes to get to the diner I have butterflies in my stomach my anxiety is at it's highest I pull into the parking lot and see 2 big black SUV weird that's never been there plus it's not like someone important would be here .

I find a parking spot and turn the car off I breath in and out you got this Daisy you can face him I unbuckle my seat belt and open the car door then close it after that I head to the back door and open it "come one babies time to meet daddy" I say to them and Santiago is the first one to unbuckle himself and hop into my arms .

"Let's go Teo, let's meet daddy" he says to Matteo but he just rolls his eyes and comes out as well they both grab my hand and we start to walk up to the diner once we get up the steps and open the door the smell of fries and burgers we walk in and Josie the waitress greets us "hey monkeys" she says to the boys "hi , Ms. Josie" they say together it's kind of creepy when they do that .

"Sweet pea" I hear his voice again I turn around and see him standing in all his glory with a black suit on with his hair slicked back I look around him and see men standing around as if guarding the place .

Who is the father of my boy?

"Come, let's sit" he says his voice soft and sensitive he looks at me and then then at the boys he walks and we follow he's sitting at back of the diner in the booth .

Matteo , Santiago, and me sit on one side of the booth while he sits alone on the other side "hi boys , I'm Santana" he says looking at the boys and then at me I feel someone tugging on my shirt I look down and see Santiago looking around .

"Mommy , way are all the scary men around us" he ask while looking around and then at me Santana heard and answers Santiago "I'm a very important person" he says I look at him and he smiles sheepishly that just made my blood boil.

How dare he just come looking for me to just make sure I say nothing what a fucking pig "I bet you are" I say to him "No, Daisy not like that I know what your thinking and it's not like that I really want to apologize for what I did I wasn't a gentleman I was a monster ..but now you have my children and I want to be there for them as my father was there for me I will take things slow with you I am willing to do anything to earn your trust" he says to me in a pleading tone

So much in me is conflicted I don't know if I should trust him I don't know if I could even be able to love him but my boys they need their father in their lives I have no male role models for them .

"Daisy , please just give me a chance to show you how sorry I am" he says as he starts to play with his fingers as if there the most interesting thing ever .

I don't know what I'm doing but so part of me wants to know why he's really here why he has this obsession if you even want to call it that .

"Let's just see how today goes" I tell him trying ease the stress "mama, when can we go" Matteo say to me "baby you haven't even spoken to your father" I tell him to which he puffs out and looks at Santana.

"Why did you leave mama ? Why would you leave her when we needed you!" He yells at his father which shocks Santana and I "baby, your father and I were young he had his life to live and I well I had you guys" I tell him running my hands through his hair .

"Matteo , I did something very bad to your mom which I regret more then anything in my life . When the time is right I will tell you but till then all I can tell you is I'm here now , I don't plan on leaving you guys anytime soon" Santana says while looking at all three of us .

I just opened Pandora's box at this point .

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