Chapter 16

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Daisy's POV

**1 year later **

It's been a year since everything has happen Matteo had nightmares still kind of does but not as bad he had grown a lot since then so has his brother my boys have grown a lot the boys are more with their father then with me but I'm okay with that they need their father .

As for me and Santana we are now boyfriend girlfriend we started dating a few months ago it's been great life has been good lately I haven't been feeling so good so right now I'm with Lilly Alessandro's girlfriend oh yeah forgot to mention he's finally tied down she was the lucky one to do that .

"Daisy" I hear someone say my name I look up and see a nurse she smiles at me and waves I get up and Lilly walks in behind me she walks me down a hall and into a room "the doctor will be in shortly" she says and smiles again I nod my head and start to play with my hands I know what's wrong I just need to be sure .

"Now you want to be worried?" Lilly says laughing at me "shut up" I tell her while letting out a big breath "Dee, you knew what having sex without a condom would lead to , you already have 2 boys" she says laughing she is right though I was kind of naïve to think I would end up pregnant again .

"I know , I know .. but the sex is freaking amazing" I say blushing as I remember every time me and Santana are together it's pure bliss after all he's the only man I've ever let touch me ever though at first it was something bad something no woman should go through but my life lead me in a different way .

"Hello Ms. Daisy , how are you today?" The doctor ask "I'm fine , I know why I've been feel sick I just need proof that's all" I say getting straight to the point no need in beating behind the bush .

"Okay then , let's run some test and see what comes up" the doctor says and we get to work she takes my blood and then ask me to pee in a cup after that she leaves leaving me and Lilly here .

Whole time Lilly tries to get me to talk about me and Santana don't get me wrong I love them man and I would do anything for him and our boy but I have to yet tell him I love him and that I'm carrying his child again .

He wasn't there for Matteo's or Santiago's birth or through the pregnancy I do hope I have a girl someone I can do girly things with because the boys always want to be with their father .

The room door opens and the doctor comes in with a clipboard and walks into the room "well Ms. Daisy , you are pregnant, Congratulations" she says with a smile I smile back at her "oh my god I'm gonna be a aunt again , I hope it's girl Daisy that way we have someone else to do things with." Lilly says and hugs me I hug her back we pull apart and say bye to the doctor and make our way to the car Lilly hops in on the driver side I on the passenger side we get in and make our way home .

Lilly plays music while I rub my flat stomach and smile another baby another blessing and something to prove our love for each other I lean my head on the window and look out as the people and business buzz with life little by little I feel my eyes get heavy and soon my eyes close.

"Daisy" I hear my name being called but I just groan and get comfortable again "Daisy , we're home" I hear I open my eyes and look around and see I'm still in the car with Lilly but this time we're parked outside the huge ass house that Santana got for us

I open the door grab my bag and start to walk inside I open the door take my shoes off and leave them by the front door Lilly does the same I drop my bag on the little table by the door and start to walk to the kitchen Lilly right behind me "so when are you going to tell him?" She ask me I shrug my shoulder "I don't know, I want it to be something cute" I tell her as I think of what to do or even how to tell him that I'm pregnant again

I take out 2 coffee cups and also take out my tea &' my tea kettle out of the cabinet I fill the tea kettle and let it warm up while I get our tea in the cup "where are they anyway ?" She ask "Santana told me he was going to go out with the boys to get some things for their rooms" I tell her she nods her head

"Okay , well let's drink our tea outside it's a nice day" she says and I nod the tea kettle is ready so I get a tray place everything on it and we head outside Lilly opens the back door for me and we step out I place the tray down and start to prep the tea for us I pass her , her cup and start to sip on my tea .

"3 kids and all are from one person" Lilly says and laughs I know she says it with a double meaning "what do you mean" I ask her with a bit of attitude she looks at me and laughs again "oh , nothing . Just that Santana finally has something holding him down" she says I just roll my eyes no time to fight with her .

"MAMA!" I hear "MOMMYY" I hear both of my boys a smile makes it way to my face "SWEET PEA" and then I hear the man I love I get up and place my cup down and make my way inside "I'm here" I say back and see all of them make their way too me the boys run and hug me they let go and their father comes to me and gives me a kiss on my lips a kiss full of love and then kisses my forehead "how was your day ?" He ask me .

"It was great I have some news but I'll tell you later" I tell him and he looks at me not satisfied with the answer "well tonight my love you have to be dressed and ready by 8" he says and I smile "will do sir" I say and smirk he smiles at me and we all head to the back "well since the family is here I guess I'll get going " Lilly says and smiles at us "Santana, do you know where Alessandro is ?" She ask him he shakes his head she nods and waves bye to us .

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