Chapter 13

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Santana's POV

After our little moment in the room me and Daisy l  fix ourselves and head out of the room I hold her and and look at her and she smiles at me I lean over and kiss her forehead once again "my beautiful girl" I tell her as I pull back and look at her these eyes that make me feel as I'm on top of the world .

We walk down the stairs and head into the dinning room the boys are already seated and eating I take Daisy to one end of the table I take out her chair and let he sit I then push it in and walk over to the other end of the table and take my seat .

Our dinner ready in front of us we both dig in and eat the meat is tender and very well seasoned the mashed potatoes very good and creamy the vegetables stemmed to perfection "how was school today boys" I hear Daisy say I look up and see the boys finish chewing and both look at their mother .

"It was good mommy" Santiago says first "it's okay mama" Matteo says while moving his vegetable around the plate "Mattie, what's wrong?" Daisy ask as she gets up and walks over to Matteo "I want to go back home" he says to his mother I've known that he's been longing to go home but I just can't let them go back there alone after all Matteo is the heir to the mafia and to the company or however he wants he can pick but as of now he's a very important person.

"Mattie , I know you want to go home I know you miss the flower shop too , I do too but this is our home now with papa" she says as she runs her finger through his hair .

"We can open one here" I say out of no where they all three snap their head towards me "really?" I look at Matteo with so much hope in his eyes "yes we can" I tell him as I take a bit out of the meat he gets up from his chair and runs to me "thank you papa" he says and let's his head rest on my chest .

After that we all get back to eating the boys finish then me and Daisy finish as well after Daisy take the boys upstairs to take a bath I head to my office to handle business I open the door to my office and see Alessandro on top of my desk with some slut fucking her brains out "oh , fuck yes right there" she moans out good things the boys or Daisy can't hear what's going on "take your dick and the slut out of here" I say as I walk over to my desk Alessandro smiles at me and carried the girl still inside her .

"Come on Santi let me finish" he says as he groans while thrusting into her "no, now get her out we have business to handle" I tell him he takes himself out of her the girl pouts at the lost of his dick "alright Gina time to go" he says to the girl she pulls her dress on over her head and rolls her eyes .

"See you later Santi" she says trying to sound cute I used to mess with her but every since I met Daisy I haven't touched her since then "get out" is all I say I see her get up and walk out while Alessandro fixes himself and takes a seat in front of me .

"So what's up boss man ?"he says as he sits down and pulls his blazer in front of himself "Marcella, is coming" is all I have to say for Alessandro to go from joking around to straight killer mode .

"Santana, you have to tell Daisy about this and like now before something happens, Marcella isn't some girl your just fucked with . Santana you were gonna marry this girl" he says looking at me Me and Marcella were childhood friends we "loved" each other but it wasn't love it was more of lust and comfort that she offered to me when I need it .

But she showed her true self after I came back from the states on that day I walked into the house we shared just to see her having a 3 some with 2 of my men she begged and pleased that it was just a moment of weakness .

I left her and never looked back that's when Daisy became my everything I have been trying my best to keep Daisy and the boys safe from her Marcella isn't a female you want to cross yet I did but what would be the price to pay for doing so ?

She's very unpredictable the only reason I know she will be coming is because of Mike he's been keeping an eye on her and he's told me that she's more venoms then ever .

"I'll tell her" I say as I look down and let out a breath "we need to get Daisy and the boys out of here now till it's safe for them to come back" I say just as I'm about to get up shots ring out bullets fly everywhere the only thought in my head is Daisy and the boys .

I hear screaming I run out off my office and run straight to the screams I see the front door open and run too it the sight breaks my heart more then ever  "PAPA!!" Matteo screams as 2 guys hold him and shove him into a car "DADDY" I hear Santiago and look back and see him holding his mothers head up .

"Go, I'll take care of her" I hear Alessandro and nod my head I run after the black car where Matteo is and punch one of the guys he swings back at me but misses I then feel a sting in my neck and my body falls I look to my right and see Alessandro taking Daisy inside with a crying Santiago by his side.
"Mistress, will like this" one of them say and everything goes dark .

I don't know how long I've been out but when I wake up I'm in a room the room is mainly black with red and some gold the bed is a queen size I get up off the bed and my feet feel the cold floor my head starts to feel like someone kicked the shit out of it I hear the door open and I look up .

"Hi, baby" Marcella says as she walks in with a tray "don't call me that"I tell her she places the tray down and looks at me "ahh, that's right you like to be called daddy" she says as she smiles at me sweetly .

"Let my son go Marcella , he has nothing to do with this" I tell her already annoyed with her "that brat is your heir, correct?" She ask me as she tilts her head to the side "what does that have to do with you" I ask her and she smiles a bigger smile as if she has just won gold .

"Oh baby , you just don't know do you. That slut took you from me you were suppose to be with me we were suppose to have kids together yet you always lied to me and cheated on me as if I was nothing Santana I will make you pay for everything you have done even if it means hurting the sweet little boy in the process" she says and comes closer to me "but , it can all go away if you leave her and those brats and make me your wife , your queen" she says with so much hope.

I rather die then let this women think of becoming my wife or even touching my kids "never" I say as I look at her and I see all the hope in her eyes fade into pure anger "BRING IN THE BOY" she yells and in second I see 2 men bring in a beaten Matteo "papa" he says to me his right eye swollen and bruised it makes my blood boil I get up and wrap my hand around her throat .

She smiles at me "you sure you want to do that" she says to me her eyes looking at something I follow and see her looking at Matteo with a gun to his head "let me go" she says I do as told I will not risk my son  dying for my stubbornness.

"Now , here's how things are going to go" she says and walks over to Matteo "this brat here is gonna stay with us" she says as she pulls his hair and he hisses in pain "I'm your new mommy" she says as she bends down to his level and smiles at him "I already have a mommy" he says and she slaps him .

I get up to get her but soon see the gun again pointed to his head "Matteo" I say and he looks up at me "listen,son" I tell him and he shakes his head no that seems to piss Marcella mad.

"Take the brat" she says and the men take my son to god knows where "you won't get away with this Marcella , Daisy will come and you will pay for hurting her son" I tell her , Daisy is nothing like Marcella Daisy is pure, kind , sweet and most of all the most respected female in my world due to her being my childrens mother .

"I'll put a bullet in your little lovers head Santana don't forget I'm the queen of this world why do you think we fit so well you could never have someone that pure and innocent in this world, we were made for each other you just can't see it yet . But I will show you once I get rid of this slut and that other brat" she says to me as she comes near me .

I then see the needle in her hand "what are you doing Marcella?" I ask her and she looks at me with a smile "time to play my love" she says and everything goes black once again .

Daisy baby , please find out ...

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