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Daisy's POV


It's been a while after that day in the restaurant I couldn't have been happier I am going to marry the man of my dreams the man of my children right now we are in a villa by the beach it's one of Santana's summer homes At this point of my pregnancy I'm ready to get this baby out of me we found out what the gender is and I'm happy it's a girl she heathy and I honestly can't wait to meet her it's going to be great to have anything girl in the house .

Santana was over the moon when he found out he couldn't come with me that day he was in Germany making a deal I don't really get involved the boys have grown and keep growing Matteo and Santiago are becoming more and more like their father some might say it's a bad thing for letting them see this side of life but one day they will be doing these things one day they will be running their father's empires and everything he has built don't get me wrong they still do normal children thing they go to school now they have friends which are from other mafias which is good for both family and business wise .

"Baby, you ready" I hear Santana say I turn around and see him standing at the door I nod my head and get up I'm wearing a white dress today with a big flannel

Today they are inducing my labor Babygirl is a day passed her due date and she's driving me crazy I love her but god I want to meet her already me and Santana stayed up all night last week pick out what names we like and what we don't the boys are...

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Today they are inducing my labor Babygirl is a day passed her due date and she's driving me crazy I love her but god I want to meet her already me and Santana stayed up all night last week pick out what names we like and what we don't the boys are staying at Lilly's and Alessandro's till we get back .

"Yeah I'm ready " I say and walk over to him he has everything we need the hospital my purse his stuff and has he's keys in hand I've been in pain since yesterday but they didn't want to induce me right away but today we get to meet her .

We walk out of the room and to the front door he opens it and we walk out we walk to his car he opens the door for me I get in and he straps my seatbelt he then closes the door and opens the back and puts in all the bags he double checks to make sure everything is there and when he's satisfied he closes the door and makes his way to his side he gets in sans starts the car we driver away from the villa and head to the hospital .He places his hand on my thigh as he driver

It takes us about 30 minutes to get to the hospital the car ride was fine if you don't include the fact that now this baby is giving me more pain the the twins did when I was pregnant with them like god this baby is strong as hell we get in to the hospital the nurses quickly jump into action my doctor Ms. white she been my doctor for a few months now she's the sweetest I swear .

They get me in a wheelchair and push me too a room an private room at Santana's request of course we make it to the room there's a gown laid out Santana helps me stand and grabs the gown we walk over to the bathroom as the nurse gets things ready we go into the bathroom he helps me undress and put the gown on he kisses me neck which makes me smiles he then ties up the gown and turns me to face him "I love you Daisy" he says to me and kisses my lips I kiss back we both then pull away I smile at him and he opens the door we walk back out "ready" the nurse says smiling at me "hella ready" I say and laugh a little the pain has increased so much "okay so , lay here for me so I can get an IV in and then get this show ready . One question is you could rate your pain for 1 -10 , 10 being the worst what would it be?" She says to me as Santana helps me to the bed .

When he lays me on the bed she hooks up the IV "6.7" I say laughing a little "okay so just to give you the run down, what the doctor is going to do is break your water when she does that that will induce your labor and then after you'll be ready to welcome your daughter" she says smiling at me "okay sounds like a good plan" I say smiling back at her "would you or your husband like any water , juice, or food" she ask looking at both of us Santana says no "I would like vanilla ice cream please" I say  she nods her head " be right back " she says and leaves the room

After a little she came back I ate my ice cream , Santana stayed there with me we talked about all the new things that are about to happen Santana never raised any child but now he'll be there every step of the way after a little the doctor comes in "hello , Daisy . How are you feeling ?" She ask "The pain is the same , I just want her out" I say and laugh at little at then end Santana comes to my side of the bed "alright then let's get the show on the road" she says and gets a chair and tells me to prop my legs up onto these legs things after I do that she tells me I'll feel a gush and after a little I feel a gush or water the pain then increases double "AHH" I let out a scream this shit is painful .

"Santana press the red button" Ms. White says and he does as told secs later 4 nurses walk in "okay Daisy , since I broke your water the baby wants to come now you will need to start pushing when I tell you to okay" she says all I can do is nod this is painful as shit and I can't get an Epidural it's already to late for that Santana moves my hair from my face I look up at him as my head rest on the pillow "you got this baby , you can do it I'm here with you" he says as he pats my head I smile up at him when a painful contraction hits "son of a bitch" I say "okay daisy it's time I need you to start pushing" she says to me and I push and push and push it hurts so fucking much god I hate sex .

Who I am I lying to I love it another wave of pain hit "everything is going to be okay baby" Santana says to me "THIS IS YOUR FAULT" I say I to him and push "Daisy your almost there" she says to me I push again and again I then huff out "I can't , it hurts I can't" I say as I lay back and start to cry this shut hurts who ever said child birth is a walk in the park lied because it's not I didn't even have this much pain with the twins "yes you can Daisy , come on your daughter is coming" Ms.White says and I get back up and push and push and push till I hear s cry I lay back and cry tears of joy they take her and clean her up make sure everything is good with her that she healthy .

They clean me up and remove everything give me a new gown and all that stuff after then hand me my daughter I look at her wrapped in the hospital blanket "hey baby" I say to her, her eyes closed and her hands in little fist Santana standing next to me I look up and see tears in his eyes "she's so beautiful" he says all the nurses leave expect one she has a clip board in hand "all I need is a name for the baby , have you guys chosen one?" She ask I look at Santana and then back at the baby "yes , yes we have" I say as I run my pointer finger down her cheek " Riley Sky Barone" I say and smile she has a little smile on her face but then again can babies even smile .

She gets the name and leaves us "thank you Daisy , thank you for everything you have given me I can never amount to the thing you have given me . I have 3 beautiful children because of you and I'm forever great full to you" he tells me and kisses my lips the baby yawns which makes us pull apart I look down and small at the baby in my arms

3 kids and a husband who would have thought .

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