Chapter 18

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Daisy's POV
   *** 4 months ***

These past 4 months have been crazy my belly is showing the boys birthday just passed and Santana has gone back to work running a mafia and a worldwide company is hella busy but he always makes time for us right now I am in the living room eating cake pops the chef made

Life has been just going good I love how everything is I'm going to have a baby shower/ gender reveal I'm about to find out the gender next week that's when I hit 5 months I really want a girl Santana of course wants a boy again but I need a girl in the house because  being the only one get lonely at time .

I hear my phone ring and I grab it from the coffee table I press answer "hellooooo" I say dramatically "hello sweet pea" I hear Santana say I can already picture him smiling I giggle into the phone "I love it when you giggle" he says which make me blush "what are you doing sir shouldn't you be working" I say smiling he chuckles "I took a break I wanted to call you and make sure you are okay and the boys as well" he says soundly like such a husband.

"We are okay , the boys are upstairs with their teacher and I'm in the living eating cake pops" I tell him I hear him laugh " well my love , I need you to be ready by 7 we are having dinner out" he says to me "and what is the occasion?" I question "it's a surprise my dear , have the boys and yourself ready" he says "yes sir" I laugh and so does he "see you later my love" he says "I love you" I tell him he says it back and I end the call .

I look at the time at see is 3:20 I need to get the boys ready and then myself and just on cue the boys and the teacher walk in "Mrs.Barone, they are doing great Matteo is a fast learner and so is Santiago" she says. All the staff call me Santana's last name I don't mind it really it makes me feel good to be honest .

"That's good, thank you for all your help" I tell her and she smiles "I must be going , have a good day boys you too Mrs. Barone" she says the boys wave bye and so do I once I hear the door close I look at the boy "daddy said we're having dinner out so I need you both to go shower" I tell them and they nod their head "race you up stairs" Matteo says to Santiago "ready, set , go" Santiago says and they both take off running I go up after them and take them a bath

One at a time after that I dry them off and get them dressed in their little suits that Santana insisted we get them once their dressed I send them down for I can go and get dressed by the time I'm done with the boys it's already 5:13 so I have enough time to get ready I make my way to our room I walk to the bathroom and turn on the water after I undress and get in I let the water fall over my body I finish washing up and turn the water off .

I step out and wrap a towel around my body I walk out of the bathroom and into the closet Santana has his side and I have mine I look through all the dresses I have till I spot the one I like since I'm pregnant most of the dresses fits good

I pick out the short black dress the sleeves have extra fabric which makes it have a flowie kind of look to it I bring it out and lay it on the bed I go back grab a black bra and panties I drop the towel and put them on once they are on I walk out...

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I pick out the short black dress the sleeves have extra fabric which makes it have a flowie kind of look to it I bring it out and lay it on the bed I go back grab a black bra and panties I drop the towel and put them on once they are on I walk out and grab the dress I put it on and use a hanger to lift the zipper in the back .

After that I go back and grab my simple black heels I know I shouldn't wear them but it make the dress looks good and I know I'm going to get bitched at for wear then by Santana.

I walk back out and put them one after that I let my hair lay loosely on my back I don't do my make up just put on some red lip stick and mascara I spray perfume and start to walk out of the room and down the stairs.

As I'm walking down I see the boys waiting by the door my phone rings I answer it "sweet pea , go with the driver I'll meet you at the restaurant" Santana says "okay" I say and he hangs up I don't pay much kind to it .

I look up and see my body standing in their suits looks dashing I'm proud of how big my boys have become they have their own personality for being twins they do things differently I was thinking of getting them into a real school that way they can make friends and have an actual social life .

"Mama , can we go I'm hungry" I hear Matteo say I look up at him and smile "yes baby we can go" I say I walk to the door and open it the driver is there waiting with the door open the boys run to the car and hop in I smile at their antics "hello" I say to the driver he bows his head in response I get in he closes the door the boys are playing with each other laughing and smiling I smile at the beautiful things I have created I touch my stomach and my smile grows we're have another baby .

I look up and see the boys looking at me "mama, I want it to be a girl" Santiago says "no , a boy" Matteo says "whatever it is babies we have to happy for it after all if it's healthy thats all that's matters" I tell them and they not their heads me and the boys talk some more till I feel the car stop I look up and see we are at the restaurant the driver gets out and come to our door to open the door for us , he does just that he shows me his hand and I grab it and make my way out of the car he then helps the boys out of the car as well I thank him he does say anything again all he does is bow I smile and walk into the restaurant I see that it is empty then my eyes land on the man I love the man I want to spend forever with .

He walks to us "hello my dear family" he says with he million dollar smile the boys hug him and then run off to the table and take their seats he then turns to me "hey sweet pea" he says and kisses my lips his lips are so soft and plump he pulls away and smirks I blush at that he then looks down at my baby dump and rubs it "come let's eat" he says grabbing my hand and leading the way we get to the table the boys are sitting next to each other and Santana is sitting next to me "order whatever you want" he says a smiles .

He's hiding something.....

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