Chapter 5 - Reunion

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The scene cuts to a burning ship. The ship is listing to its port side and the deck is littered with empty shells and wooden splinters. It is listing so badly that the starboard underwater torpedo tubes are visible. The Eagle Union flag waved in the air, filled with bullet holes. We see Blitzkrieg herself lying unconscious on the forward turret roof. She had multiple wounds and gashes, each with varying differences in damage. The ship moved at a constant speed of 3 knots due to Blitzkrieg being caught in a current that was pushing her out of Azur Lane territory. Blitzkrieg started to move.

Blitz: Uhhhh.... My head! It hurts!

Blitz tried to get up but fell on her face. She tried to open her eyes but they wouldn't open. 

Blitz: Why can't I see?! Am I blind now?!

We cut to see two ship girls out on patrol that spot the smoke coming from Blitzkrieg.

Prinz Eugen: Let's go and see what that is.

Hipper: Whatever. Let's just go so we can get back quickly.

Prinz Eugen: Don't be in such a rush my little chess board.

Hipper: SHUT UP! Lets just go you BAKA.

Prinz Eugen: Hai Hai.

The two sisters arrived to see the massive broken and damaged ship of Blitzkrieg.

Prinz Eugen: I have never seen a ship like this in Iron Blood before. And look at that flag. That's Eagle Union. But this ship design is most definitely Iron Blood.

Admiral Hipper: Let's go see if we can go and find the ship girl.

The two sisters jumped on board to see the true damages to the ship. They walked to the front, taking note of everything they saw. To see an orange haired ship girl trying to navigate her way around her ship but hitting the walls while doing so.

Blitzkrieg: Who's there? I may be blind right now, but I can still hear you.

Prinz Eugen: My my, you have no need to worry. My name is Prinz Eugen and this is my sister Admiral Hipper. What's your name?

Blitz: My name is Blitzkrieg. First and Last of the Blitzkrieg class Super Heavy Battleships. Also known by Project H100.

Prinz Eugen was shocked to hear this as she remembered hearing Bismarck, Tirpitz, and Friedrich talking about her. Hipper was curious about her sister's shock. Eugen noticed this and told her about what she heard from Bismarck.

Hipper: Wait! She's that Blitzkrieg. I've heard about her!

Prinz Eugen: Yes. Turns to Blitzkrieg. Let's get you inside.

Eugene and Hipper guided the blind Blitzkrieg to her bridge and saw the full scope of damages to Blitzkrieg. They sat her down in her captain's chair and summoned their ships. They attached mooring lines to the damaged Blitzkrieg and started to tow her to Iron Blood's base.

Meanwhile - Bismarck Office

Bismarck was sitting in her office doing paperwork when Tirpitz and FDG entered her office.

Bismarck: What is it, Schwester, Mutter.

Tirpitz: We got a message from Eugen. They said that we should gather at the docks to see who they brought back.

Bismarck: Sighh. Ok. Let's go. I need to get a break anyway. Who did they find?

Tirpitz: She didn't say.

Bismarck, Tirpitz, and FDG arrived at the docks to witness Eugen and Hippers ship towing a burning, broken ship. They saw that it was an Iron Blood ship from the design, but it was flying an Eagle Union flag. Once Prinz Eugen and Hipper had finished guiding the broken ship into the largest dock. The three were struck by shock and distress. They recognized this ship. They quickly jumped onto the broken ship and made their way quickly to its destroyed bridge.

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