Chapter 20 - Detainment

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Enterprise and Hornet's fleet meetup and discuss what they are going to do while taking cover from Blitzkrieg's fire.

Hornet: So what are we going to do?!

Belfast: There's no way we're going to get close to her at this rate.

Javelin: I think I have an idea.

Enterprise: What is it?

Javelin: Why don't we try and like, I don't know, land on her.

Enterprise: What do you mean?

Hornet: I get it. We'll fly in on planes to close the distance as much as possible and then force her into close combat. Then we can wear her down into submission.

Bismarck: Right, we have a plan. Now let's get going!

Every carrier summoned their planes and they all hopped onto the planes and made their way to Blitzkrieg.

Blitzkrieg: Clever. But not clever enough. Load Anti Air! Let's also get my float plane back in action.

The massive catapult turns to face the oncoming planes and within a few seconds, the huge float plane is rocketed into the air and flies toward the now airborne azur lane fleet.

Enterprise: We have incoming!

The massive float plane flew towards the oncoming azur lane girls with a volley of shells flying past it. The shells took out many of the planes, sending the ship girls falling back to the ocean surface. The float plane soon joined the fray and began tearing any plane that it managed to hit with its ball turrets. Soon, it was just Enterprise, Bismarck, FDG, Tripitz, and Belfast left. They managed to get right above Blitzkrieg, flak still booming around them. They jumped off of the planes and landed on Blitzkrieg's deck. Each of them sent shockwaves through the ship and they left mini craters in the armored deck of Blitzkrieg.

Bismarck: Come out now Blitzkrieg!

Blitzkrieg jumped down in front of them.

A/N: The shipgirls are standing by turret B facing the Bow.

Blitzkrieg: How do you know my name?

Tirpitz: Do you really not remember us?! We're your sisters.

Blitzkrieg: We look nothing alike.

FDG: You treated us like your little sisters, so therefore we treated you as our big sister.

Blitzkrieg: That still doesn't change the fact that I'm supposed to kill you.

Enterprise: Who told you that? The sirens?

Blitzkrieg: Wouldn't you like to know.

A resounding blast echoed across the ship as Belfast was sent flying off of the ship. Due to the azur land shipgirls being distracted by Blitzkrieg. They failed to notice the side mounted 16 inch gun that has now fired one of its barrels directly at Belfast's back.

Enterprise: Belfast! No.

Enterprise looked back at Blitzkrieg to notice her smirking.

Blitzkrieg: That's one less person I have to deal with.

Enterprise charged Blitzkrieg with her bow.

Enterprise: You bitch!

Suddenly, their footing fell out from under them as Blitzkrieg summoned her rigging. This caught them all off guard. Blitzkrieg then charged Enterprise with her sword while Enterprise readied an arrow to shoot Blitzkrieg. Meanwhile, Bismarck and Tirpitz circled around Blitzkrieg and FDG went off to go and check on Belfast.

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