Chapter 18 - New Start

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The scene opens to the massive iceberg in the East Siberian Sea. The scene then shows a massive shipyard come to life. The heavy doors open and the massive ship inside is pushed out of the shipyard and into the open ocean. The current catches the mighty ship and carries it farther from the hidden Shipyard. The camera zooms in on the mighty ship to reveal a girl lying on the Top of Turret B. The girl is Blitzkrieg.

Blitzkrieg: Mmmm... Where am I? Stands up and looks around. Why can't I remember anything? Let's get inside for now.

Blitzkrieg made her way into the bridge. There she saw the name of the ship.

Blitzkrieg: Blitzkrieg...I remember now. That's me. So that means that I am this ship. But where am I?

A nearby table had a worn out and old map sprawled out over it. A red X was marked on the map.

Blitzkrieg: What's this? It marked an island in what I think is called the Pacific. Lifts up map.

Under the map was a document that read,"Current Orders"

Blitzkrieg: What is this? "Eliminate all ____ warships in the Pacific, Date of Order: September _______." It seems that there were some other things in the sentence but it's too worn out to make out. O well. I guess that's what I am supposed to do. Let's set a course for the Pacific.

Blitzkrieg;s ship began to activate and gain speed. The ship effortlessly cut through the ice as it made its way through the Arctic Circle and towards the Pacific Ocean.

1 week later

At Azur Lane Base

The base repairs are half way done and everyone is coping with the death of Blitzkrieg in their own way. The three little sisters took it the hardest. Akashi is seen in her shop selling items.

Akashi: Thank you come again , Nya.

She opened a drawer to see a letter

Akashi: What is this? Picks up and reads. Gasps. Ohh crap. I forgot to give this to those girls, Nya. I'll go now.

Akashi ran over to the meeting room to find out where Bismarck, FDG, and Tirpitz are currently. She walked in to see FDG was talking with the other camp leaders and Sarah.

Sarah: Akashi? What are you here for?

Akashi: I have something for FDG, Bismarck, and Tirpitz.

FDG: I can take it now, my child.

Akashi: Ok, but, you can't see what it is without Bismarck or Tirpitz being with you. Got it?

FDG: Unsure. Ok? But why is that?

Akashi: Because that is what the sender wanted.

FDG: Ok. Who is the sender?

Akashi: That is a secret.

Akashi then left the room, leaving the rest of the people in the room confused.

Sarah: So, what are you going to do? FDG.

FDG: I need to go and visit Bismarck and Tirpitz.

Enterprise: Understood. See you later.

FDG: As to you.

FDG made her way to the Iron Blood dorms. She walked into the dorm office to find Bismarck hard at work doing papers with Tirpitz helping her.

Bismarck: Mutter, what have you come to visit us for?

FDG: I see that you're still doing paperwork.

Bismarck: Sadly yes. This chore has become a way for me to get my mind off of that day. It's pathetic, I know.

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