Chapter 10 - Battle of the Mirror

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A few seconds later after the thunderous crack, 16 shells came raining down on top of the Azur Lane positions. Unleashing their explosive power. The shockwaves sent massive columns of water into the air. The pressure waves echoed throughout the mirror world. Blitzkrieg opened her hand and light shone brightly from her palm. After the light subsided, she held a massive greatsword.

Observer: Try to finish this quickly Blitz. This world is becoming unstable.

Blitz: Yes ma'am.

Blitz charged at the nearest group of ship girls. Her riggings took aim and fired at the ship girls. Hornet looked in horror as she saw her friend lunging at her. Blitz brought her greatsword above her head, readying her sword to strike Hornet down the middle.

Enterprise: Hornet, move!!

Hornet was grabbed by the arm and pulled to the side by Enterprise. Blitz then moved to strike Enterprise which was then blocked by Belfast. The force from the strike left a deep cut in Belfast's arm braces. The force sent Belfast and Enterprise flying backwards.

QE: Focus fire on Blitzkrieg!

All of Royal Navy that wasn't currently fighting Sakura Empire took aim at Blitzkrieg. A drone of a plane engine was heard from high altitude. Then the sound was followed by the whistle of bombs.

QE: Scatter!

The bombs hit the sea surface and exploded. The blast sent the Royal Navy formation into disarray. Blitz then charged at another group of ship girls and grabbed Prince of Wales by the neck and held her up, readying her blade to run her through. She heard Hornet trying to stop her.

Hornet: Let go of her Blitz!

Blitzkrieg didn't say a word, but turned her turrets and fired on Hornet. She was about to sink Prince of Wales by crushing her neck until she was sent skidding sideways due to a punch from King George V.

King George V: Don't you dare touch my little sister. Are you ok Wales?

Wales: Yes, I'll be alright.

King George V: I don't know what happened to you, Blitz. But, we won't leave you like this, we will save you.

Blitz merely looked at her with a blank expression. Blitz then moved to the group of starter destroyers and broke up their fight between Sakura Empire. She attacked the group of destroyers while trying not to hit the Sakura Empire ships per her orders from Observer.

Javelin: Why are you doing this?! I thought we were friends.

Laffey: Laffey....doesn't want to hurt....friend.

Blitzkrieg merely lunged at the pair with a blank expression. She swiped at Laffey but missed. She went back for another strike. This time at Javelin, but she was saved by Ayanami, who blocked her great sword.

Javelin: Why?

Ayanami: I don't want to see my friends get hurt.

Blitzkrieg, after striking Ayanami's sword, backed off. Blitzkrieg launched torpedoes at the starter group. The girls either dodged or shot her torpedoes, but one torpedo was able to strike Laffey.

Javelin: Are you ok?

Laffey: Still, combat capable.

An earthquake shook the siren mirror world and it began to crumble.

Observer: (Over Comms) Return, it's time for us to go.

Blitzkrieg then made her way back to Observer, but she was then sucked into one of the many rifts happening in the mirror world.

Observer: Don't worry, I'll meet up with you in the real world.

When everyone returned to the real world, everyone was trying to meet up with their respective camps.

Kaga: What do you mean that we're leaving! My sister could still be out there!

Soryu: We have to leave, it's not safe here. We're all exhausted from the battle, even though most of Azur Lane was preoccupied with that weird ship that appeared.

Hiryu: One-sama. Wasn't that the ship that Iron Blood told us to keep a lookout for.

Soryu: I think so. We need to inform them of this discovery. I will inform Lady Nagato about this.

Meanwhile - somewhere in the arctic circle.

Enterprise and the rest of Azur Lane were regrouping. In the distance they could hear gunfire, they recognized the sound. It was Blitzkrieg. Another group of ship girls that was nearby heard the sounds and investigated.

Prinz Eugen: I wonder what that could be.

Z23: Let's investigate.

Graf Spee: Roger.

The three girls made their way to the origin of the sound to find that Javelin and Laffey were taking fire from something around the corner. They rounded the corner only to be in utter shock. There stood Blitzkrieg, with Observer floating right above her. With every salvo that Blitzkrieg fired, knocked Javelin and Laffey off balance.

Prinz Eugen: Wait! That's Blitzkrieg.

Z23: Why are her eyes yellow? And why is she with Observer!

Graf Spee moved in from behind to try and talk to Blitzkrieg but she was blasted away. When the other two looked to see where the shells came from to see the two of Blitzkrieg's turrets were facing behind her and were smoking. Prinz Eugen and Z23 quickly grabbed Graf Spee and fled back to their base. All the while dodging the fire from Blitzkrieg, who had never even looked their way. 

Observer: Oh dear, it seems like the cat is really out of the bag now. Come, we need to return so we can get ready for the big part.

Observer opens a portal and the duo walks in. 

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