Chapter 23 - Reawakening

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Sarah was in her office when her radio crackled to life.

Enterprise: Commander Sarah, Do you read?

Sarah: We read you. Did you find the mental cube?

Enterprise: Yes, we're on our way back now. We'll be back in the morning.

Sarah: Roger that. Come home safe. Sarah Out.

Bismarck looked up from her piles of paperwork and looked at the blonde haired commander.

Bismarck: So they succeeded?

Sarah: Yes they did. They'll be back in the morning.

Bismarck: I hope Big Schwester will be the same when she gets her memories back.

Sarah: I know she will be. The bond you three have with her is extremely strong.

Bismarck: Thank you. Now, I must finish these papers before they get back.

Sarah got up and took half of the papers.

Sarah: Let me help you. I already finished my stack.

Bismarck: Thank you Kommandantin. I honestly don't know how you can do this so easily.

Sarah: Years of practice and suffering.

A Knock came from the door.

Sarah: Come in.

Vestal and Akashi entered the room.

Sarah: Why have you come here?

Vestal: We're here to give our report on the status of the shipgirls after the recent engagement with Blitzkrieg.

Sarah: Ahh yes. How is everyone?

Vestal: Everyone is recovering fast. We have the manjuuaas working overtime to complete repairs on the ships themselves but everyone is in good health.

Sarah: Good, and what off Blitz's condition?

Akashi: She is still asleep, nya. But in good health. I still need to go and replace her sedative since she ran out not too long ago.

Sarah: But wouldn't that mean she will wake up. Why haven't you replaced it before it ran out?

Vestal: There is nothing to worry about. The sedative takes a couple of hours to wear off since we used the mass produced version. She should still be asleep.

Sarah: Good, I want you to replace it as soon as possible.

Akashi: I will as soon as I am done with the rest of the shipgirls.

Sarah: Very well.

Timeskip: 2 Hours

In the hospital wing.

Blitz is seen laying on the bed. The sedative no longer pumping into her nose. Her eyes flutter open.

Blitzkrieg: Where am I? In thoughts. 'My head is killing me. Oh right I was subdued by those shipgirls. My vision is still blurry. My mind is foggy still. Must be from whatever they used on me.'

Blitzkrieg sat up and pulled the oxygen mask off of her face. She then got up but stumbled.

Blitzkrieg: I must still be affected by whatever they used on me.

Blitzkrieg then made her way out of the room, her vision still blurry and foggy. She braced herself on the railing in the hallway.

Blitzkrieg: When will this wear off?

Suddenly the sound of voices came from the hall around the corner. This revealed U-556 and Graf Spee walking together talking about something. Blitzkrieg looked up to see two blurry figures, one smaller than the other, seemingly staring back at her. Her vision then cleared up enough to make out that they were shipgirls.

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