Chapter 15 - Recovery

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The scene opens to Blitzkrieg laying on a hospital bed. In the room are Akashi, Vestal, FDG, Bismarck, and Tirptiz.

Tirpitz: Is she going to be ok?!

Akashi: I don't know Nya. The medical equipment shows that she has two mental cubes now. One is her normal blue wisdom cube while the other is a Black mental cube. The Black mental cube appears to be partially fused with the blue wisdom cube.

Bismarck: Is she going to wake up anytime soon?

Vestal: No, I have her on a constant supply of sedative with some of the prototype mixed in. She shouldn't wake up even if there a bomb dropped right beside her.

Bismarck: That is reassuring.

FDG: But how are we going to free her from the Black mental cube?

Vestal: I don't know. I have to go and check on everyone else. After that shell she fired, everyone is really banged up.

FDG: Indeed.

Vestal leaves the room.

Bismarck: Is there any way to remove her riggings?

Akashi: Here, I think I can with this.

Akashi presses a button on the medical device and Blitzkrieg's riggings disappear and her ship appears in the harbor.

Tirpitz: Why don't we leave Akashi alone so she can focus. I know! Let's go and explore Big Schwester's ship!

FDG: I like that idea.

Bismarck: Yes, I like that too.

The trio left the room and made their way to Blitzkrieg's ship. They then jumped onto the deck. They were greeted by the tattered flags of both Iron Blood and Eagle Union flying off of the bow. They walked to the citadel to see the grime still partially there from when she was locked away in the hidden shipyard.

Tirpitz: Hey look, there's a door.

They walked up to the door and opened it. The trio then stepped into a long hallway that was well lit.

Bismarck: Why don't we go and see the bridge?

FDG: Let's go then.

They made their way to the bridge to see it filled with equipment. One board hanging on the rear wall of the bridge drew their attention in particular.

Tirpitz: What's this?

FDG: It appears to be a mission board.

Bismarck: It says, " Hold position here and await return."

FDG: So, whoever was doing maintenance on her told her to wait for their return.

Tirpitz: But they never came back.

Bismarck spotted an open door and walked towards it. She walked in to see it was the Admiral's cabin. Inside she found a notebook. She began to read it. The book detailed Blitzkrieg life in the hidden shipyard.

Tirpitz: Where did Bismarck go?

Bismarck: In here.

Tirpitz and FDG entered the room.

Tirpitz: What are you reading there?

Bismarck: It's a book that Big Schwester wrote.

FDG: What's it about?

Bismarck: It's about her time in that hidden shipyard.

Tirpitz: Really?!

FDG: Let me read.

The three shared the book as they read through the lines. One line in particular struck them.

FDG: "It's been so long since I've been here. If I think back to before this time. I can only think of three little girls. I can't remember their faces nor their names. Why do they keep showing up in my head?!"

Tirpitz: She forgot about us.

FDG: So did we. We somewhat forgot about her. We only remembered her once we saw her picture. We can't blame her.

Z23 entered the room.

Bismarck: What is it, Z23?

Z23: Vestal and Akashi told me that they are starting the operation on Blitz. They wanted to let you guys know.

Tirpitz: Alright, we'll be there shortly.

Back in the Medical Room

Enterprise: Are you sure this will work?

Akashi: There is nothing to be afraid of Nya.

Vestal: Yes, I have checked out her equipment and it looks sound.

Enterprise: Alright. Whatever you say, Vestal.

Vestal: Then, let's begin.

Akashi: Let's get this started, Nya.

Vestal: We will now be extracting her wisdom cube temporarily.

Bismarck, Tirpitz, and FDG walked in.

Hood: And I was just beginning to think that you three weren't going to show up.

FDG: Don't be silly my child. We wouldn't have missed this for the world.

Enterprise: Shush. They're starting.

Vestal pulls out a piece of siren technology

Bismarck: Wait! That's ours!

Sarah: Z23 said we could use this piece of equipment that was in your base.

Bismarck: Fine. Mutters. It's still a prototype.

QE: What is it?

Tirpitz: It's an extractor fitted with siren technology. It's still in the prototype phase but it is designed to help with extracting wisdom cubes from sirens.

Hood: Why would you want to do that?

Bismarck: Inorder to further study the Sirens, we can also learn how we can break them via destroying whatever sort of cube they have.

Vestal: Alright everyone, be quiet now. We're starting.

Akashi turned on the Iron Blood technology and it began to glow blue. The machine emitted a bright red light over Blitz's chest.

Akashi: The machine has a lock.

Vestal: Alright. Begin the procedure.

The machine let out a hiss and began to extract the Balck Mental Cube. Blitz's body lurched up as she awoke. Blitz began to try and break free of the restraints. Nevada and North Carolina, who were standing guard, rushed to hold her down. The Black Mental Cube could now be seen rising out of Blitz's chest. A few minutes past of Blitz's struggling slowly dying down. The Black Mental Cube has now been fully removed from Blitz and is now being encased in a special container for studying. Blitz is now unconscious.

Bismarck: Is Big Schwester going to be ok?

Vestal: Yes, she just needs time to rest. We will have to keep her under guard for the time being till we deem her full recovery. Is that alright?

Bismarck: Yes, will we still be able to visit her?

Vestal: Of course. You just have to check in at her door so we know you visited.

Tirpitz: Great. We'll take our leave then.

Akashi: See you Nya.

Vestal: See ya.

Authors Note: 

I apologize for delay, but the updates will be coming out slower due to me running out of ideas 

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