Chapter 7 - Captured

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The scene cuts to Blitzkrieg sitting in a holding cell. She has iron handcuffs on each wrist that are made of an unknown material.

Blitzkrieg: Why can't I summon my riggings?!

Enterprise and Sarah then walk into the holding facility.

Enterprise: That's because of those handcuffs.

Blitzkrieg: What do you mean?

Enterprise: Those handcuffs are specifically designed to suppress a ship girl's ability to summon their riggings or control their ship. They were designed using wisdom cubes.

Blitzkrieg: So that's why.

Sarah: I read the report from Belfast and the others. Why didn't you just come with us?

Blitzkrieg: Because, while I was at the Iron Blood base. I regained my memories.

Sarah: You did?!

Blitzkrieg: Yes, I remember everything. I remembered my little sisters. And I did not want to leave them again.

Enterprise: And who are your little sisters?

Blitzkrieg: Bismarck, Tirpitz, and Friedrich Der Grobe.

Sarah/Enterprise: WHAT???!!!

Blitzkrieg: Yes, I remember taking care of them when they were little. I can't leave them again like I did last time. I won't.

Sarah: Does that mean that you will be our enemy now?

Blitzkrieg: No, I won't fight my friends either. I am still a member of Eagle Union on paper.

Enterprise: Yes you are. I won't order you to fight your sisters. But I need to know that you won't fight us.

Blitzkrieg: I already said that I won't fight my friends. You guys are the reason for reuniting me with my little sisters in the first place. So thank you.

Enterprise: No problem.

Sarah: Unlocks and opens the cell door. Come on. I know you must be hungry.

Blitzkrieg: No, I'm fine. Really. Stomach growls.

Sarah: Come on already.

Blitzkrieg: Ok.

Enterprise: I am sorry, but we cannot remove your shackles but I can remove the chains connecting them.

Blitzkrieg: That's alright, and thank you.

Empress POV

I was looking through a tablet with a grin.

Empress: 'Now that I know that Blitzkrieg can't use her ship anymore. This will become even easier to make her my tool for ultimate destruction.'

Empress: Observer! Get Tester, Omitter, and Purifier together and go and retrieve my new pet.

Observer: As you wish my queen.

Empress: I can't wait till you're mine.

Blitzkrieg POV

I was walking around with Cleveland and North Carolina. Apparently, Enterprise assigned them to be my bodyguards because QE and Sarah wanted me to be monitored. We walked to the shop area and I saw some familiar faces.

Blitzkrieg: Hello.

Hornet: Blitzkrieg!!! I was so worried about you!

Javelin: Don't ever do that again!

Laffey: I...missed you. Yawns.

Blitzkrieg: Hello, how are you guys?

Hornet: We're fine but we were so worried about you. Notices shackles on wrists. What are these?!

Blitz: Ohh, these. Enterprise and Sarah wanted me to wear these inorder to make sure that I don't try anything. 

Hornet: But we all know you'd never hurt us.

Blitz: Yes, but I'm fine wearing these. If it makes everyone feel better.

Hornet: I'll have to talk with Enterprise about this. Notices Cleveland and North Carolina. What are you guys doing?

North Carolina: We were assigned as both bodyguards and observers for Blitz.

Hornet: Who ordered this.

Cleveland: QE and Sarah requested for Enterprise to do this. Since Blitz is still a member of Eagle Union, they thought that we should be the ones to monitor her.

Hornet: I see. Blitz, do you want to go and get some food?

Blitz: Sure. Lead the way.

Somewhere in the Pacific

Omitter: Is everyone here?

Purifier: Yes, let's get moving already.

Observer: Remember, we take her alive.

Tester: Hai Hai

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