Chapter 17 - Final Confrontation

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30 miles from Azur Lane Island

Empress: Are the fleet preparations ready?

Observer: Yes, we have assembled all of the siren forces in the area. The blues ones could not arrive due to them dealing with Northern Parliament.

Empress: That is fine. We will depart sortly. I will reclaim my prized pet, but first I will break her spirit by depriving her of everyone she holds dear, right in front of her face. Then she will have no more will to oppose me.

Observer: What then?

Empress: I will use her to conquer new dimensions and destroy those that dare oppose me like this one.

Observer: I see.

Empress: Prepare our forces, we will be teleporting in very soon. We will wait for some of our Blue Sirens to arrive to fill out the gaps.

Observer: As you wish my queen.

Back with Azur Lane.

It has now been two days since Blitz was ordered to stay in her medical room unless Vestal lets her leave.

Bismarck and Tirpitz enter Blitzkrieg's room.

Blitzkrieg: Hello, what brings you today?

Bismarck: Just wanted to check up on you. How has Vestal been treating you?

Blitz: Kind. She really cares about my well being.

Tirpitz: That's good.

Bismarck: Hey, I got permission for you to come and walk around the base with us from Vestal. Mutter will be joining us shortly. Do you want to come?

Blitz: Sure. Let's go.

Tirpitz: Alright! Let's get you out of this stuffy room.

Tirpitz and Bismarck helped Blitz out of bed and we made our way to the central plaza. Vestal met us in the Hospital Lobby.

Vestal: Now you be careful Blitz. Don't get hurt or anything.

Blitz: I won't. I have the best little sisters that I could have ever asked for.

Bismarck: That's right, we won't let anything happen to Blitz. Right?

Tirpitz: Yeah.

Shortly after we left the hospital, FDG met up with us in the central market area. We then went and got ice cream and sat down by the beach.

Bismarck: It's nice out today.

Blitz: Indeed.

The ground began to tremble and just outside the mouth of the bay. Siren portals opened and spilled out its fleets of siren ships. Air raid siren began to blare as siren fighter began to fill the skies, bombing the stationary ships. It was Pearl Harbor all over again.

Bismarck: Quickly, we need to hold them off.

Blitz: I can help.

Bismarck: No, stay back and protect the little ones.

Blitz: But-

Bismarck: No buts. You are not fit for combat. That is an order.

The shipgirls summoned their riggings and began to fight off the siren forces as best they could. In the middle of the siren fleet. A portal opened and out came the Empress and the other humanoid sirens.

Empress: I do not have time for small fry like you all. Where is my Blitzy?

FDG: Go away you scum.

Bismarck: You won't touch Big Schwester ever again.

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