Chapter 13 - Regroup

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Azur Lane and Crimson Axis met up at the Azur Lane base to formally reunite and to also discuss what to do next. In the meeting room, the leaders of Iron Blood, Sakura Empire, Eagle Union, and Royal Navy. Sarah was there as well.

Sarah: So, the negotiations ended. Welcome back to Azur Lane.

Bismarck: It's good to be back.

Nagato: Indeed, I would also like to apologize for Akagi and Kaga's actions. They were out of line.

Sarah: It's all in the past now. What we need to discuss now is how we are going to deal with Blitzkrieg.

QE: Yes, she is a formidable foe. I doubt we could even sink her.

Tirpitz: We are not sinking Big Schwester!

QE: Yes, I know. But how are we going to release her from capture?

Nagato: Akashi is quite versed in working with wisdom cubes. Maybe she can help us.

Enterprise: So, you think it has something to do with Blitzkrieg's wisdom cube. Yes, I agree.

Akashi: I also agree.

Sarah: Akashi, what is wrong with Blitz's wisdom cube.

Akashi: The medical equipment meant for working on ship girl's wisdom cube was active when Blitzkrieg was taken. It detected signs that her wisdom cube may have been corrupted. It read that there are two wisdom cubes located in Blitzkrieg. I think one of them is the one that the sirens are using to control her.

FDG: Then how are we to save her?

Akashi: I would need to operate on her. So we need to capture her.

Hood: Yes, we know that, but how are we to capture her?

Vestal: I think that I can help with that.

Sarah: What do you mean?

Vestal: Holds out vile. This is a prototype sedative that was used as a basis for the current sedative used for ship girls. It was too strong for ship girls and rendered them inactive for a week. I think that this is what we can use to capture her.

Bismarck: But will it hurt her?

Vestal: No, other than a longer than desired sleep duration, there are no other side effects. Whisper. Although, she might be a little drowsy after the brunt of the effects wears off.

Bismarck: What was that?

Vestal: Nothing.

Sarah: Alright, Now that we have a way to capture her. How are we going to get her out in the open?

Nagato: We could try what we did with you in the Mirror World.

Enterprise: But you don't have a black mental cube to control it.

Nagato: True.

FDG: Why don't we set some bait? Me, Bismarck, Tirpitz, and the rest of the most powerful ship girls will weigh anchor by an island. Then we can have the rest of the fleet hide behind the island and lure them in. The Siren queen won't let this chance slip away.

Sarah: We'll go with FDG's idea. Any complaints?

Everyone: No.

Sarah: Then let's get started.

Meanwhile - Siren Throne World.

Empress: I see. So we have lost Orochi. How's my new pet doing?

Observer: She is in the medical ward undergoing healing treatments. We have also managed to open that heavily locked room located in Blitzkrieg's hull. We have analyzed the shells inside and have discovered a lot from them.

Empress: Excellent.

Omitter: Enters throne room. Empress.

Empress: What is it?

Omitter: There is a large build up of Azur Lane's most powerful ships in a remote island. I believe it is a trap.

Empress: Indeed, but we cannot let this chance slip by. Observer, take Purifier, Tester, and Omitter with you to destroy this fleet. I will allocate as many mass produced vessels as you wish.

Observer: Will Blitzkrieg be joining us?

Empress: Soon, very soon.

Observer: Understood.

Timeskip - 45 minutes

At the Azur Lane trap

The Azur Lane ships necessary to lure the sirens were waiting.

Bismarck: When are they going to get here?

Belfast: Be patient. They'll come.

Massive siren portals open in front of the Azur Lane fleet. Various Siren mass produced vessels exit the portals, ranging from Carriers to destroyers. The portals closed behind the massive fleet.

Cleveland: Wait. Blitzkrieg isn't a part of that fleet.

Enterprise: Did they know what we were planning?

QE: No matter. Everyone! Attack!

Azur Lane launched everything they could against the siren fleet. The ambush fleet was still lying in wait, waiting for the signal. They were filled with anticipation and nervousness.

Javelin: We need to help them!

Z23: No, our orders are to wait here until they give us the signal.

Ayanami: But we need to help our friends.

Z23 looked at her friends' faces, they were filled with the urge to help their friends. Eventually, she relented.

Z23: Fine, let's go and help them.

Laffey: Yay..

Javelin: Let's get going then.

Vestal: We'll be fine here. Me and Akashi can help tweak this launcher for the vial anyways.

Z23: Ok.

The ships that were meant to ambush Blitz moved out of cover and began to join the fray.

Enterprise: What are you guys doing here?! The signal hasn't been given.

Javelin: We came to help you guys.

Enterprise: Fine, but be safe.

Laffey: We will.

The entirety of the Azur Lane fleet has now joined the battle, with only Vestal and Akashi staying behind to work on the specialized grenade launcher that was designed to fire the prototype sedative.

25 miles from the site of the ambush

A raging storm was going on, waves towering 90 feet and rain hammering down relentlessly. A massive siren portal opened. Out of the portal, a massive ship sailed into the rough seas. The ship girl's eyes glowing a bright yellow. The tattered and torn flags of Iron Blood and Eagle Union waved from the bow and stern. The ship girl utters only a single sentence in a monotone voice.

Blitzkrieg: Let the hunt begin. 

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