Chapter 6 - The Other Side

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 6 Hours Ago

Belfast and the rescue fleet were following Blitzkrieg's oil trail when the trail suddenly made a sharp turn.

Hood: What? Why did her oil trail turn?

Belfast: Some people found her before we did. There are two of them.

Hood: How do you know that?

Belfast: Look at the way the oil is concentrated in a single line. That is because of the waves created by the two ships that are towing her.

Enterprise: It's heading in the direction of Iron Blood's base. It's safe to say that they have captured her.

Hood: I will need to inform her majesty about this.

Belfast: Indeed.

The search fleet returned to see Hornet, Javelin, Laffey, and the two Dragon Empery girls sitting on the docks. Enterprise walks up to her sister.

Hornet: Did you find her?

Enterprise: No, I am sorry. But we know where she is.

Hornet: What do you mean by, we know where she is?

Enterprise: Iron Blood has captured her. That's all we know about her conditions. We are going to meet with Queen Elizabeth and the Commander to find out what we should do.

Hornet: Then I am coming with you.

The rescue fleet along with Hornet arrived at the meeting room to see that Sarah, and the Royal Navy leadership were already there.

Sarah: Ahh, you arrived. Now let's get down to business. Can you explain to us what you found while searching for Blitzkrieg.

Belfast: We found that she has been captured by Iron Blood and has been taken to their main base.

King George V: That's not good. I recommend an extraction team to go and retrieve her.

QE: Yes, we cannot let Crimson Axis get a hold of her. She could single handedly turn the tides of this war.

Sarah: I recommend we send Belfast, Dido, and Sheffield to retrieve her.

QE: YES, I agree. Bel, inform Dido and Sheffield to get ready for the mission.

Belfast: As you wish.

Belfast left the room to find Sheffield and Dido to inform them.

Enterprise: There might be a chance that Blitzkrieg won't come back willingly.

Sarah: What do you mean?

Enterprise: The only reason she joined Eagle Union was because of her loss of memory and if she got that memory back.

Hood: She might choose Iron Blood over us.

Sarah: Let's hope that that doesn't happen. If that does happen, we still can't let Crimson Axis use Blitzkrieg to turn the tide of this pointless war.

QE: I agree.

Timeskip - Present Day 

Belfast, Dido, and Sheffield are walking through the shadows of the Iron Blood base. They have been observing for 15 minutes already, waiting for Blitzkrieg to show herself. After a few more minutes, they see Blitzkrieg, which was surrounded by FDG, Bismarck, and Tirpitz. They were amazed to see those three specifically acting like children around Blitzkrieg.

Belfast: We'll have to wait till she is alone.

Dido/Sheffield: Roger.

They waited longer to find an opening where Blitzkrieg was alone. The opening came when FDG, Bismarck, and Tirpitz were wasted and Blitzkrieg was still drinking. It is safe to say that the three maids were amazed to see how well Blitzkrieg could hold her drink. They jumped down and Blitzkrieg turned around to face them.

Blitzkrieg: Hello Belfast. Who are your friends?

Belfast: Hello again Miss Blitz. This is Dido and Sheffield. We will be returning you to Azur Lane.

Blitz: I'm sorry Belfast. Now that I have regained my memories. I can't leave my little sisters again.

Belfast: I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice.

Blitz: What do y...

Dido had injected Blitzkrieg with a knockout serum before Blitzkrieg could retaliate.

Dido: We need to go, Belfast. People are coming.

Belfast: Right. Help me grab her.

Sheffield: Ok.

Belfast and Sheffield picked up Blitzkrieg and started to make their way out of the bar. They heard the door opening to see Eugen and Graf Spee standing there.


Graf Spee: STOP!

The two summoned their riggings and took aim. Dido launched smoke and the ensuing chaos helped the drunken little sisters get sober immediately. They raised their heads to see that Blitzkrieg wasn't there anymore. They ran out to see the three maids escaping with Blitzkrieg. Prinz Eugen and Graf Spee were hot on their tails. The trio quickly join the chase

Bismarck: Come back here!

FDG: Tirpitz, go and circle around to cut them off.

Tirpitz: Right.

FDG: Faces the three maids. I will be sure to punish you three once we get back.

A dark aura began to rise from FDG, this caused Bismarck to edge a little farther away from her while it sent a chill down the maids' spines. Dido and Sheffield launched another barrage of smoke canisters and they quickly fled into an opening in the cliff face. The 5 ship girls met up on the other side of the smoke screen.

Tirpitz: Where'd they go?!

Bismarck: I don't know, but they couldn't have gotten far.

FDG: My children, we can't let them escape with our Big Schwester.

Bismarck: Indeed.

Graf Spee: Is she really your Big Schwester?

FDG: Yes my child. When we were all little, she looked after us. I remember when Tirpitz got herself stuck in a doggy door and Big Schwester had to..

Tirpitz: Stop talking Mutter!!! Face was as bright as the sun.

FDG: Hai Hai. There was also a time when Bismarck was afraid of heights and Blitzkrieg had to...


FDG: Awww.

Bismarck: Let's get back to the point. I want search fleets to be sent out on a regular basis and multiple lines of detection. I won't let Azur Lane take away my Big Schwester.

Tirpitz: None of us will. 

Belfast POV

Me and the other maids watched as our pursuers left.

Belfast: They're leaving. We'll wait another hour until we leave.

Dido: Right.

Sheffield: Roger.

Blitzkrieg started to move and we took notice.

Sheffield: Inject her with another serum.

Dido: Already on it.

Dido injected the sleepy Blitzkrieg with another serum, causing her to go back unconscious. We waited another hour and then slowly made our way out of the cavern. We saw that there was no one around and sailed back to our base. Making sure we weren't followed. 

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