Chapter 3: Parties Aren't My Thing

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Chapter 3

"So. Tell me. What did he do today?" Molly asked excitedly, her voice cracking through the speakerphone.

"Well we don't have any classes together, and we're in different lunches, so we didn't see each other much. But we did talk in the hallway for about five minutes before fourth hour. And he told me that I should come to the party at Logan Hamilton's house tonight so that we could hang out." I said happily, running the straightener through my hair.

Molly let out a squeal. "This is so good!" Molly said excitedly. "He totally likes you."

"I hope so." I said nervously, turning off the straightener once I was finished.

"Alright, so you guys haven't really hung out since you went to ice cream and it got cut short by the arrival of his mother, right?"

"Right." I nodded.

"But, it was for sure a date and you guys have been talking in the halls a lot and flirting, right?"

"Right." I nodded.

"Okay then, you've gotta get your flirt on tonight, Grace." Molly said seriously.

"I know, I know." I sighed. "I'm gonna do my best."

"Alright and call me when you get home and tell me all about it okay?" Molly laughed.

"Well obviously." I laughed as I put on my lipgloss. "Alright well I've got to go now, so I'll text you later."

"Have fun! Be safe!" Molly said with a laugh.

"Alright mom." I said sarcastically before hanging up the phone.

As I got downstairs, my dad was waiting in the kitchen, the keys on the counter.

"Can I go now?" I asked with a smile.

"Be back by 11." My dad gave me a look, sliding the keys over towards me.

"Thank you!" I said happily, walking towards the back door.

"Have fun!" My mom called from the other room.

I got into the car with a smile on my face.

Tonight would be the night that I was going to make a move...


I took a sip of my water, leaning back against the wall as I looked around the room.

It was already 10:15 and Wesley still hadn't shown up... Everyone had gotten here from the football game before I was even here, but I hadn't seen Wesley yet.

The house was filled with drunk teenagers. It absolutely disgusted me.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I desperately wanted Molly to be here with me to make up some excuse as to why Wesley wasn't here...

I glanced a few yards to my right where Mark Ryder was getting quite intimate with some cheerleader. He was hot as hell, but too much of a player for my liking...

"Hey." A voice said on my other side.

I jumped slightly, a gasp escaping my lips as I turned to face Wesley.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" He laughed, a smile on his face.

"Kinda." I laughed, unable to stop the smile forming on my face too.

"Sorry I'm late, I got held up with my coach and then I couldn't find a ride." Wesley sighed. "You're drinking?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No, just water." I replied awkwardly.

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