Chapter 12: Moving Day

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Chapter 12

Grace's POV

"What are you doing today?" My mom asked as I joined her in the kitchen.

"Hanging out with Wesley." I replied, stretching out my arms, still tired from just waking up.

"It's already past noon." My mom laughed, handing me a bottle of water from the fridge.

"I'm food hungover from last night." I joked, taking a sip of the water.

"What are you and Wesley going to be doing?" My mom asked curiously, leaning against the counter.

"Uh, they're moving into their mom's house today so we'll probably just be there." I shrugged, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"They're moving? Shouldn't that be a family thing?" My mom frowned, giving me a weird look.

"They're not too big on the family thing right now." I shrugged.

"Well you can have the car when you need. I'll be upstairs." My mom smiled, kissing my forehead as she walked past me.

Right then, I got a text from Wesley saying to come over whenever I was awake. He also sent me his mom's address.

So I grabbed a banana from the counter and headed out to my mom's car.

I put the address into the GPS thing on her car and started driving.

But when I got to the huge house, I had to double check that the address was right because there was no way their mom lived in this huge house.

I texted Wesley, telling him that I was here as I walked up to the front door.

"Hey." Wesley smiled as he opened the door.

"Dude this is a castle." I laughed, stepping inside. "Holy shit."

"I know right? She's loaded." Wesley laughed, pressing a kiss to my lips.

I smiled at him. "So you're rich now too? Damn, I got myself the perfect guy." I winked.

"You can come help me unpack." Wesley smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he steered me towards the huge staircase.

"Uh no I can watch you unpack. I'm not your slave." I giggled. "Do you have your own room?"

"I most certainly do." Wesley nodded.

A smile crossed my face.

"And it's like three times as big as my old room with Mark." Wesley added. "Moving here isn't too bad."

"Don't say that!" Marley yelled from her room. "This is bad!"

"She's kind of bitter." Wesley whispered to me, pushing me into one of the rooms.

He shut the door behind us with a smile.

"So tell me... How was your Thanksgiving?" He asked, pressing his lips against mine.

I laughed, stepping back slightly.

"Well I can't talk if you're kissing me." I grinned.

"Then don't talk." Wesley smiled, softly taking my face in his as he brought my lips to his again.

"I thought you were supposed to be unpacking." I giggled, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"You're slightly more important than that." Wesley gave me a look.

"Oh really? Just slightly?" I raised my eyebrows, a smile crossing my face.

"Maybe more than slightly." Wesley winked.

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