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It was almost time to head home for the day when I heard a knock on the door. Looking up, I met the nervous gaze of the new teacher. "Miss Aspen, I hope you don't mind." She walked in and sat down.

"Not at all. What can I help you with, Jamie?"

"I felt like seeing you. Is that weird? I mean, you were my teacher when I was in high school. So our history makes me want to get to know you better, I guess."

I smiled at her and leaned forward with my hands clasped in front of me. "I'm still the same boring person that taught you, Jamie."

"You've never been boring, Miss Aspen."

"Thank you for that compliment," I said. Jamie sat down and continued to look at me. "Have you had any trouble with students so far? Any one you need to complain about?" I smiled.

"So far so good. I've got a few chatterboxes and texting wizards. Ceasing phones isn't something I enjoy doing."

"I'm sure my daughter's one of those wizards. She's always on her phone."

"Your daughter?" Jamie's eyes lit up with curiosity. "I didn't know you have kids."

"Just the one. Her sperm donor was probably a chatter box because she definitely doesn't get it from me," I giggled. "I've always wanted another. But one is hard enough."

"Sperm donor? Wow. I thought only lesbians used them, honestly," she giggled nervously.

I narrowed my eyes, "I'm sure all kinds of couples need the help. But my wife and I definitely couldn't conceive on our own."

Jamie's eyebrows raised, "Oh," she clutched the strap of her blouse. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you're—"


"Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I honestly always thought that you were straight. You've never looked at another woman, from what I could tell."

I leaned back in my chair. "I didn't know that I needed to stare at someone for you to know what my sexuality is."

Her eyes widened, "no, no, oh my, foot in my mouth—I'm gay too. Not that it's relevant. But I'm obviously not homophobic or anything—I'm just surprised. I just didn't think—Ugh. I'm sorry, Miss Aspen." She placed her hand over her forehead. And her cheeks were the color of crimson.

I smiled at the young teacher, "I've always been told that I don't look gay. Don't beat yourself up too much about it." She shyly looked at me. "But for what it's worth, I kinda knew that you were. I guess my gaydar is better than yours."

"Mine's never worked, it seems." She slowly pulled herself up and stood. "Am I that obvious?" She half-heartedly grinned. "Not that I care. I just—"

"No, but I remember your relationship with Emma Fletcher when you were in high school. I kinda put two and two together, you know."

Her flushed face intensified, "you knew about that!"

"I'm sorry, was it a secret?"

She shook her head, "no, I just, just—I didn't think you'd know about it," she mumbled.

"There was a sharpie note on the girl's bathroom stall that said 'Jamie hearts Emma'—"

"You saw that!" Her eyes widened and she looked at the door. "I didn't write that, she did," she lowered her voice. "I would never, ever graffiti the school's property like—"

"You're adorable," I chuckled. "That doesn't matter, Jamie. It was over a decade ago."

"Right, right," she sat back down and looked nervously at me. "Your wife is a lucky woman, Miss Aspen. That's what I should have said instead of all—" she twirled her hand, "that other stuff."

"Thank you." I felt my own cheeks heating up. "I hope she thinks so too."

"I'm sure she does. Who wouldn't—" Jamie paused and considered what to say, "you were an amazing teacher, I'm sure you are an amazing wife, as well." She smiled shyly at me.

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