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I woke up the next morning with a very uncomfortable pain in my lower back. Sleeping on the farthest edge of the bed wasn't a good idea. I looked over at Sam and still felt anger. She was still asleep.

I got ready for the day and left without saying a word to anyone. It was only 6am. They weren't awake yet.

I parked my car in the school's parking lot and cried for what seemed like a long time. I felt very frustrated—with myself, my marriage and my daughter.

I was startled by a knock on my car's window. I wiped my eyes and noticed that it was Jamie. Fuck.

I wiped my eyes again and rolled down the window. "Hey, Peyton, are you okay?"  I nodded but I knew it wasn't convincing. "Mind if I slide in?"

Jamie didn't wait for my answer. She opened the door and sat down.

"I'm sorry, I—" I tried to find a stray tissue. But Jamie handed me one.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just—" I took a deep breath. "I'll be fine. What are you doing here so early?"

"Why are you?" Jamie asked.

I shrugged.

"It's almost 7. I like to get a head-start to my day, especially since I'm new and still trying to fit it."

I nodded. "I don't want to keep you from—"

"Peyton," Jamie placed her hand against my shoulder. "I want to make sure you're okay."

"I am." I tried to convince her and myself.

"You can talk to me. I've got big ears."

For some reason, Jamie seemed more confident around me that day. Was it because I was vulnerable? So, we switched roles?

"It's nothing, Jamie."

"Come on, we're friends. It's always good to talk things out."

Usually, I don't like someone being pushy. But I honestly didn't mind it from her.

"Well, for starters," I took a deep breath, "my wife thinks I am involved with you."

Jamie's eyes seemed to lit up, but she immediately bit nervously on her bottom lip. I noticed her shyness restoring.

"So your daughter is referring to you and I. I don't know why she thinks that."

"I've vaguely told her about you. She's probably just trying to hit both of us with one stone."

"I know why she's upset with me, why is she trying to hurt you too?"

"Because I'm her mother." I let out a dry laugh.

"What have you told her about me?" Jamie asked.

I bit on my own lip. "I might have told her that you are shy around me." I shook my head, chastising myself.

"You did?" A bright blush stained Jamie's face.

"I'm sorry." I frowned. "It was just my observation that I mistakenly shared with her. Doesn't mean it's true. It was late at night, and I—"

"Is it that obvious?" Jamie mumbled, seemingly more to herself.

"What's obvious?"

Jamie shook her head. "Nothing."

"Oh, come on. You badgered me. You can answer my question."

"I don't want to." Jamie was completely shy at that point.

"You are being very shy right now, Jamie."

Jamie reached for the door handle. "Maybe one day I'll tell you, Peyton. But not now." She slid out of my car.

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