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It was time to leave for the day. That's when I noticed a shy Jamie standing by the doorway, hesitant to come in. "You've always been shy," I said.

Her eyes fluttered nervously, "I'm not trying to be, Miss Aspen."

"Peyton. We're colleagues now."

Jamie half-heartedly smiled. "My boss, you mean." She walked inside.

"Even so."

Jamie inhaled a deep breath. "I didn't know she was your daughter. Her last name isn't—"

"And that would matter, why?"

Jamie shrugged. "I don't know."

"You are a teacher here, Jamie. If my daughter gets herself in trouble, it's up to you on how to discipline her."

"I know. I just feel awkward."

"You have no reason to be, Jamie."

Jamie exhaled a somewhat relieved breath. "She'll be out by five. But you know that already, Peyton."

"Yes, and I'll be back to pick her up. Gives me a chance to run a few errands before we head home."

Jamie stood silently while I gathered my things. She followed me into the hallway and I closed my office door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Miss As—I mean, Peyton."

It seemed as though she had something more to say. If only I could get it out of her without seeming too pushy.

"Are you heading home for the day, Jamie?"

Jamie nodded. "I'm considering whether I want takeout or if I should buy groceries and make myself something."

"I'm hoping my wife's decided on that for me. I believe she mentioned something about Thai food."

Jamie seemed to tense. "How long have you been married?"

I didn't find the question odd. It was a very common question to be asked. But I could sense an uneasiness with it.

"Hailey's fifteen. So it's been almost seventeen years. Our anniversary is in a couple of weeks."

Jamie looked at me with an over exaggerated smile. "Wow, you've been married for as long as I've known you."

"I've been married since you were in middle school, young lady." I giggled as we walked down the corridor, towards the detention classroom.

I peered through the cracked door and noticed my daughter and some other students doing what seemed to be their homework. And Mr Reynolds seemed more interested in his Astrology book than supervising the detention class.

Hailey looked up and noticed me by the door, before turning her attention away and seemingly mumbling under her breath. I shook my head and turned my attention back to Jamie. "I guess she's having fun," I said.

Jamie bit on her lip nervously. "Yeah."

"Is there something on your mind, Jamie?"

"No, no," she folded her palms in front of her and looked down. "I should let you go, I guess."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, Jamie." I placed my hand against her shoulder and squeezed.

Jamie's eyes caught mine immediately and a blush crept onto her face. "I'll see you tomorrow, Peyton."

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