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My leg nervously ticked as I waited patiently in bed for Sam. She'd taken a shower and I assumed she was getting dressed into her pajamas.

I remembered when we wouldn't wear anything to bed. But that was before having a kid. And before we grew old together.

I still considered myself quite young. But I definitely no longer did the things that my younger self did.

"You look warm," Sam said as she walked towards me. She placed a kiss on my forehead before sliding into bed and under the covers.

Sam grabbed the remote from the nightstand and turned on the tv.

"You know Jamie from school?"

Sam turned to me. "Yes. The one who has a crush on you?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "You're thinking about the right person. She doesn't have a—"

"Sure, sure, what about her?"

"I invited her over for dinner this Saturday. Thought I'd let you know."

"You did what?"

"I invited her—"

"I got that part, Peyton. Why?"

I shrugged. "So that maybe you can see that she doesn't have a crush on me."

"Sure, Peyton. I do not—"

"Jamie will be coming with her girlfriend, so what's the big deal?"

"So she is gay." Sam shook her head. "And you do remember that Hailey does not like her?"

"Oh I remember. I had to pull nails out of concrete after that stunt she pulled," I said.

"I just don't think it's a good idea."

"Hailey will be at her friend's house anyway. If I remember correctly, you convinced me to let her go."

"She can't be punished forever, Peyton."

"I agree. So Hailey will be out. And we will be having dinner with Jamie and Audrey."

Sam shook her head. "Should we be having dinner with your staff anyway?"

"Jamie's a colleague and previously a student of mine. Nothing's wrong with catching up."

Sam said, "catching up, right. I'm sure there's a lot of catch up on."

"Don't be like that, Sam."

"I'm just saying," she turned back to the tv.

"Just be nice. It's one night."

"I'll be nice, Peyton. As long as she keeps her eyes and hands to herself."

"I'm sure she will."

I sunk myself into bed, and absentmindedly watched the news with Sam. I couldn't necessary blame Sam for her doubts. But I believed that she didn't have to be so passive aggressive about it.

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