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2 Weeks Later

An uneasiness rested inside of my chest as I sat in a corner of the room by myself. I held onto a glass of wine with all of my strength, as I tried to uphold my composure.

Men and woman gawked at me as they wandered around. They did that to everyone, trying to scope out the room for their next prey.

I definitely wouldn't be one of them.

It took everything in me to be there—my pride, my sanity and my reputation. It disgusted me.

I didn't find what I was looking for on that floor. But I knew that she was there.

Climbing up the stairs to the second floor, I tried not to look too startled by the naked people flocking around me.

They didn't care for my presence. But they seemed very into each other. It was very dark, but the sounds everyone made gave me anxiety.

I'd never been in a place like that before. It was definitely fascinating, but not my type of enjoyment. I couldn't understand how the woman I lived with for almost twenty years was into stuff like that... and I didn't even know.

I listened to the echoing voices as I walked into the main room. The darkness helped me to ignore everything that was going on around me, but I felt paranoid, and out of place.

That's when I heard a familiar voice—the person I'd been looking for—my wife.

A huge part of me hoped that my suspicions were not true. I hoped she wouldn't be there. Not that soon at least.

I hoped that she did care about me—about my feelings—about our marriage. That maybe she did want to try to make us work.

But I knew that Sam was just selfish.

I looked into every room I could, and when I finally spotted her, my heart sunk to my stomach.

I watched the woman I loved participate in intercourse, while surrounded by dozens of people. I squeezed my way through the crowd, feeling filthy and defiled myself.

The realization hit me that Sam was never going to stop.

Sam didn't notice me. She was too busy being penetrated by what I initially thought was a strap-on, but was actually a real penis.

I was shocked. Never in my life did I think Sam was attracted to men. We both identified as lesbians, as far as I knew.

I felt as though I would faint at the sight of her.

Sam and her male partner seemed very committed to putting on a show. She was completely naked, with her hands tied above her head. It was as though I'd walked into a B-rated porn film. And my wife was the star.

I felt as though the life had been snatched out of me. I couldn't torture myself for much longer, but I needed to see it.

I had to. Only then I could feel at peace with my decision to leave her. "Oh my God. Peyton!" Sam screamed.

Her partner thrusted harder into her and let out a grunt that gave me an awful chill. I stepped into the crowd and made my way out of the room.

Tears slid down my cheek.ms. Someone grabbed my arm and I looked at them with tear filled eyes. "Wanna hang with me and my wife, darling?" A rugged, middle-aged man stared at me.

"No, thanks." I pulled away and made my way to the stairs.

"Peyton." Sam stopped me. I looked into her crazy eyes and smelt the awful aroma of sex dripping from her pores. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Sam."

"You shouldn't have seen that."

I hoped the faint music in the background and the ripples of sexual moans would tune out the whimper in my voice. "I wish I hadn't."

"Honey, please—"

I stared at my wife's naked body. And knew that I could never touch her again. "Thank you. I needed to see that. My lawyer will be contacting you by next week."


"Please don't mind me. You should get back to your boyfriend."

"He's not my—"

"Since when do you sleep with men? Are you bisexual? Or are you just willing to fuck anything?"

Sam looked at me in shock. "I'm, I'm—"

"Doesn't matter." I held my hand up and tried to get past her, so that I could leave.

"I'm sorry, Peyton." Sam cried.

"No, I'm sorry. I've deprived you for eighteen years. Clearly, I'm not what you're attracted to."

"It's just sex!"

"With random men and women! Fuck you, Sam."

I pushed past her and rushed to the exit. I needed to get out of there. I felt disgusted, humiliated and heartbroken.

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