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The next day at school I noticed Jamie lingering in the hallway by my office door. After a few minutes, she walked away. I wondered if she needed something. But I had to remind myself that she is a grown woman now, a teacher, not a student anymore. And she didn't need me to steer her in the right direction anymore. She'd come to me if she really did need something.

I wondered about Sam, thinking about if she was thinking of me. I've loved Sam for what seems like most of my life. But something is missing. And I am reminded of it everyday. No matter how much I try to ignore it. I want to fix us. I want her to want to fix us.

"Mama P?"

Hailey walked in with a big grin on her face. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Hailey, are you okay? You don't usually come to my office unless you need something."

"Can't I visit my favorite mom?" She sat down, and I could tell that something was up.

"What happened, Hailey?"

She exhaled a very irritated breath and frowned. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.


"My behavior," she mumbled again.

"Let me take a wild guess here, Hailey," her eyes met mine with a nervous stare, "you got your phone taken away, and you got detention."

She scrunched her nose. "I won't get it back till the end of the day. And I got detention for a week! Can you believe that, Mom!"

I got up and closed the door. "Hailey, I warned you that at some point, your teachers won't be lenient anymore."

"She doesn't even know me!" Hailey shrieked, "she's been here for less than two weeks amd she's already—"

Jamie. I smiled at the thought. "I don't blame her, Hailey."

"But Mom!" I could almost see the steam pouring out of her ears and nostrils.

"Come on, this isn't the first time you've gotten in trouble. You should be use to it by now, Hailey."

Hailey looked at me with a despise I only see when she's extremely upset. "I was going to go to the mall with my friends after school," she crossed her arms over her chest. "You're a bad mom for letting this happen." She stood and left, slamming the door behind her.

I exhaled a deep breath. Why must she be so dramatic and rude?

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