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In bed that night, I thought about how much I missed having excitement in my life. I stared at Sam's face, as she snored for the mountains to reel her in. Caressing her cheek, I found happiness in my feelings of contentment.

I slid out of bed, grabbed my robe and headed to the kitchen. "Can't sleep either?" Hailey asked, a bowl of cereal in front of her on the counter.

"Nope. Are you still mad at me?"

Hailey shrugged. "I'm sorry, Mama P. I know you expect better from me."

"I do."

"She just rubs me the wrong way, I guess."

"Jamie— I mean, Miss Dutton?"

Hailey nodded. "I do not like her."

"I think she's nice," I said, walking to the fridge.

"Nice, huh?"

I turned back to Hailey, as I opened the fridge. "Yes, I do."


I grabbed a handful of strawberries and walked over to her. "She was my student, back in the day."

Hailey's eyes widened. I chewed on my berries while I observed her reaction.

"Wow. Has she always been so uptight?"

"No, Hailey. I'm sure she's only like that with her students. She's actually very shy around me. I'm not sure why."

"Really?" Hailey giggled.

I shrugged. "It happens. I guess I'm intimidating or something."

"That's what you think, huh?"

I stared at Hailey, confused. "I don't know."

Hailey placed her hand against my shoulder. "I don't see Miss Dutton being shy, that's all. I can't even imagine it. She's a raging bitch, in my opinion."

"Hailey, please don't say that. She's a nice lady."

"To you, maybe."

Hailey snagged a strawberry and popped it into her mouth. "I'd assume she's nice to everyone."

"I guess you don't know her as well as you think you do. Trust me, Mom. She's mean."

"Hailey, you think that anyone who doesn't tolerate your bad behavior is mean."

"That might be the case. But I still don't see her being shy. I'd have to see it for myself."

"Forget I said anything." I shook my head. "I'll try to sleep."

I washed my hands and turned to the stairs.

"Good night, Mother Dearest."

Her Mom Likes GirlsWhere stories live. Discover now